Uppsala Uppsala in Europe
Possible Support for Mobility Lifelong Learning Programme (until 2012/13) Erasmus Agreements Teacher mobility Staff mobility Student mobility Organising mobility, preparation funding Erasmus Mundus Action One Nordplus
Lifelong Learning Programme (until 2012/13) Erasmus Teacher mobility Scholarship for teaching, at least 5 hours of teaching, 120 euro/day Mobility costs covered up to 400 euro Staff mobility Scholarship for at least 5 days of training Mobility costs covered Organising mobility, preparation funding No Erasmus agreement but you might want one? Curriculum development Student mobility
Erasmus Mundus Action 1 - Joint Master/PHD programmes - Minimum 3 European universities. Third country institutions can also be partners - Mandatory mobility - Access to scholarships -The Erasmus Mundus brand has become a symbol of quality and being an EM Master means automatic exposure of the programme in various places - However: time consuming administration - Application deadline in the end of April each year Jonathan Schalk
Nordplus- Nordic and Baltic Connection Apply before March 1st by creating a network with at least 3 Nordic or Baltic countries: –Denmark - including Greenland and Faeroe Islands –Estonia –Finland - including Åland –Iceland –Latvia –Lithuania –Norway –Sweden Participants from other countries may take part in programme activities, but are not eligible for financial support from the programme. Climatic issues prioritised in 2011 Agricultural Science Architecture Art and Design Business Economics and Management Teaching and Teacher Training Engineering Science and Technology Geography The Humanities Language and Linguistic Science Law Math and Informatics Medicine Natural Science Social Science Communication and Information Science Other Areas of Study