LIU-SPS Project baseline, objectives and reviews for 2016 B.Goddard 20/01/16
Recall of project baseline Beam status 25 ns, 4x72b P (GeV/c) N b (10 11 ) ɛ x,y (μm) ɛ z (eVs) τ (ns) Achieved LIU baseline * HL-LHC request * Above nominal LHC beams (with 50 ns and 25 ns spacing ) were successfully delivered to the LHC during Run1 and in 2015, but twice higher intensity (even more for brightness) is needed in future for HL- LHC
LIU-SPS HW upgrades For ions, damper upgrade, plus low-level RF upgrade for slip-stacking
Main 2016 objectives Launch/follow-up procurement and construction for main systems 200 MHz upgrade (series drivers, mains protos, coaxial lines, BAF3...) LSS5: beam dump and shielding, kickers, civil engineering, generators and cables TCDI collimators and masks MOPOS electronics Vacuum flange impedance shielding (for EYETs installation) In-situ 2xMBB aC coating bench RF low level upgrade Track and update EYETS and LS2 planning with all co-activity and service requests Develop design for adequate 200 MHz HOM reduction Finalise 200 MHz power coupler design and launch prototype Develop concept for significant MKP impedance reduction Review options and finalise TPSG4 design Review prototype high bandwidth feedback system and future deployment needs Re-evalaute need and possibilities for collimation in view of 2015 loss and activation
Reviews in 2016? High bandwidth damper: September – Use-cases, prototype performance, slotline kicker, full system cost and timeline LSS5 beam dump block and shielding: March/April – Concept, reliability, MTBF, transport & handling, decomissioning, margins, procurement strategy, schedule, cost LSS% dump kicker systems: March/April? – Aperture, sweep functions, magnet apertures, new MKDV switch performance, failure cases, procurement strategy, schedule, cost TPSG4 preferred solution: ? – Hybrid MSE/TPSG versus new diluter tank upstream QFA418 Tranverse beam size diagnostics: ? – Wirescanner, BGI and BSRT status and outlook