Pierre Gosselin, MD, MPH Scientific Coordinator Preparing Not Just for Heat Waves but for Other Extreme Events
The Quebec government’s Climate Change Action Plan contains an adaptation component with a number of health-related projects. Page 2 PACC Health Component
Many priority actions focused on monitoring systems for heat waves (2010) for all other extreme weather events (2012) for zoonotic and vector-borne diseases (in progress) in real and delayed time Page 3 PACC Health Component
The strengthening of monitoring systems includes a research component for exploring the state of the links in recent decades between health and meteorological variables both in the short term and for seasonal or decanal trends Page 4 PACC Health Component
Historical analyses of excess mortality as a function of heat and the setting of new alert levels by geographic region. Systematic review of the investigation tools validated for monitoring the psychosocial impacts of extreme weather events. Page 5 Research Projects
Geosimulation of Lyme disease, West Nile virus, bird flu… (with PHAC) Virtual cohort on cardiovascular disease and climate (1996+), in progress Restrospective studies on the psychosocial impacts of major disasters within the same cohort Fragility fractures and climate Modelling of air pollution, heat and deaths/hospitalizations (current and future) Page 6 Research Projects
Page 7 Before, during and after the event The variables of relevance to surveillance systems: exposure to extreme weather events determinants of health and vulnerability monitoring of health status monitoring of interventions Real and delayed time; fast reports and annual reports Permanent users’ commitees Surveillance Approach
Page 8 A Common Platform
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Page 12 It is easy to add layers of information as they become available or needed And to monitor alerts and deployment of response plans in real time Areas at risk, or more vulnerable areas, can be identified for the purposes of prioritizing preventive interventions or in the event of disasters The Purpose of Surveillance
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Lessons learned from use in heat waves: Portal very useful and appreciated by end users as a common and shared source of alerts, at risk areas (UHI) and vulnerabilities (age, poor housing, etc.) Group training prior to heat events is crucial as it brings common understanding of risk factors, meaning of thresholds/alerts and uncertainty around forecasts Going into full intervention mode is a difficult decision to take locally, as it needs to be made before the heat wave really hits Page 15
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