I am 15 years old. I was Born Feb. 14 th, I’m 5’4. I have Two Brothers. I have One Bestfriend. My Fav. Color is Green. I’m a Cheerleader for CHS. I love to color:)
My Favorite place is the beach. I want to Travel the World. I want to be an interior Designer. I’m Pretty Nice to everyone. I like to Ride Four-Wheelers, and go mud riding, but I also like to dress up and go to nice places.
I have Many Friends that I love very much. Without them I wouldn’t be the same person I am today. They are the ones that keep me going. They are my support system and I know they will always be there for me:)
My boyfriends name is Jeremy Michael Ham. He is 17 years old. We have been dating since February 14 th, 2009.
My Brothers are Aaron and Bryan Reynolds. Aaron is 22 years old, and is a Senior at Auburn University. Bryan is 20 years old, and is a Sophomore at Southern Union.
My Parents are Joan and Doug Reynolds. My mother is the Director of the Facilities at Interface Flooring System. My Father own his own Car Business here in LaGrange.