Melisha Chamra ‘03 Associate Director of Annual Giving Elon University
It was created in Fall 2008 by our Young Alumni Council. Annual giving program for young alumni—the graduates of the last 10 years. It is an opportunity for young alums to get involved by giving back to Elon. Young alumni represent 40% of the alumni base.
Who is eligible to be a member of IGNITE? - Undergraduate alumni who have graduated in the last 10 years Fiscal Year: Classes How do I become a member of IGNITE? - Gifts of any size and any designation automatically make young alumni members of IGNITE.
IGNITE NITES are regional events designed to increase membership in IGNITE. They are hosted and paid for by young alumni. Open to the first 30 young alums in the area. A $25 donation is the suggested donation amount to be able to attend the local IGNITE NITE. Complimentary food and drinks for guests.
Fiscal Year Total Gifts: 1,009 gifts (12%) Total Dollars: $233, Average Gift: $ Fiscal Year Total Gifts YTD: 1,166 gifts (12%) Total Dollars YTD: $187, Average Gift YTD: $156.44
Increase participation Goal: To reach 20% young alumni participation by May 31, First time donors to Elon LYBUNTS & SYBUNTS Create greater awareness of needs and goals
Kerrii Brown Anderson ’79 - Board of Trustees Member - Former, CEO of Wendy’s International Elon Commencement Speaker Kerrii’s Vision: Make an impact and help create a habit of giving among young alumni.
5-to-1 match up to $100,000 $20 minimum gift to qualify from new donor 3 yr commitment to a Challenge Graphic identity & name
Here’s the deal Any gift of $20 or more made to Elon University by a new young alumni donor during the month of February: - gifts of any designation - any cash gifts - online credit/debit gifts or ACH transfers - newly set-up online recurring gifts that start in February - payments on an earlier pledge made for fiscal year 09-10
The Payoff is 5-to-1 - All gifts of $20 or more will be matched by Kerrii 5-to-1. - All young alumni gifts will support the area designated by the donor. - Kerrii’s matching dollars go to the Elon Fund and to her endowed scholarship.
The Reason - Young alumni are Elon’s future. - Gifts from young alumni have the power to help today’s students create their own Elon experiences.
Kerrii Anderson ‘79 – IGNITE Challenge Video IGNITE Challenge Website/Online Giving Site Weekly E-net Posts Launch & Weekly Update s This Elon E-Newsletter Phonathon Facebook YAC & other volunteers
Donorbage Application - Facebook Facebook Ads Facebook – IGNITE Flair Twitter Mailed Postcard IGNITE NITES IGNITE Honor Roll of Donors Pledge Reminder Notecards
E-net Announcement-February 1 st E-net Updates-every Monday
to all young alumni announcing the challenge with Kerri’s video on February 1st Segments: young alumni nondonors young alumni with unpaid pledges Challenge Update s-every Friday Last Chance -Sunday, February 28
E-net Article on the IGNITE Challenge was featured in the weekly issue This is distributed to Elon University faculty, staff, students, parents and alumni every Tuesday
Young alumni nondonors & pledge reminder segments Special script for the Challenge Calls were made every week Monday thru Thursday Calling sessions on select Sundays Phonathon communications updated to include Challenge information Next day Thank You s
Weekly updates every Monday from Elon: IGNITE-Young Alumni Giving Group Young Alumni of Elon Weekly updates every Wednesday from YAC: YAC members posted links and/or messages on their Facebook profiles
Young Alumni Council members: Weekly Posting of links and/or messages on their Facebook profiles Young Alumni Donors: Signed up for donorbadge and shared with their Facebook friends and others Young alumni posted messages and links to their Facebook profiles
Facebook Application Donorbadge lives on Profile IGNITE Donorbadge: donorbadge users - 15 tweets clicks to online giving page - 37 clicks to the IGNITE homepage - Costs: $3,250
Challenge announcement ad on February 1 st Ads every Saturday and Sunday during February Total for the Challenge: 1,466,146 impressions 382 clicks $309.37
Weekly tweets about the IGNITE Challenge elonuniversity (723 followers) elonalumni (827 followers)
IGNITE Honor Roll of Donors was updated every Thursday
"Elon changed my life. I give so others will have the same opportunities that I had at Elon.“ Emily Wyman Bewg '03
" I think this is such a wonderful challenge Kerrii has given all of us. I hope that I will be in the position she is 25 years from now to give back in the same way! “ Rikki Nimmo-Dalton '05
"I liked the video from Kerrii. I can't wait to see what the Ignite Challenge produces! “ Fiona MacPherson Barkley '99
Daily and Weekly Totals Tracking Online Gifts Tracking Phonathon Pledges and CC Gifts Processing Gifts Answering questions from young alumni
Communications on the last day: Last Chance Facebook Ads
29 gifts – 1 st day of the Challenge 23 CC gifts at Phonathon – February 9 th 82 online gifts – February 28th $3,585 from online gifts – February 28th 31 young alumni couples made gifts 22 additional one time gifts Gifts of all sizes- $20-$5,000
IGNITE Website Updates E-net Posting Facebook Twitter
Final Stats: Number of donors: 628 Young alumni gifts to Elon: $34,171 Matching dollars from Kerrii: $170,857 Total Challenge funds: $205,028
Other Stats: Total Cash Gifts: 570 Total Pledge Payments: 58 Total First Time Gifts to Elon: 172 Total %increase in participation: 6%
IGNITE Website Video from Kerrii Anderson ‘79 Facebook Facebook Ads Twitter Thank You to Donors We Still Need You! to Nondonors
Kerrii Anderson ‘79 will do 2 more challenges fiscal year fiscal year Will it be a 5-to-1 match again? What month will the next challenge start?