Digital footprint By: Emily West
How will your digital footprint effect your future?
When you try to get a job in the future. They will look at your digital footprint. Whatever you post on the internet they will be able to see. If you try to delete a bad post off the internet it is probably still there. One bad post on the internet can effect your chance of getting a good job.
How can you keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe?
To keep you digital footprint clean, safe, and appropriate you need to: Think before you post Keep your online profiles on private Only post things you would want other people to see Don’t put your full or real name as your profile name Don’t put personal information on the internet about you
What information did you learn?
I learned that whatever you post on the internet isn’t private. Even if your account in on private there is still a chance other people who you don’t want seeing your photos can see them. If you post a bad photo or comment something online and try to delete it, it will still always be there.