Happy 2016!
Inverse polarity electric field at Aragats!
Research of secondary cosmic rays on nanosecond/picosecond time scale High-energy physics in Atmosphere, TGE research with world-largest ASEC facilities; Atmospheric research with LIDARs; Atmospheric discharges research with new tool - particle fluxes from thunderstorms; EAS core research with 3 channels (at list); neutrons, high energy muons and low energy electromagnetic on nanosecond scales. Also GAMMA, 16 scintillators of MAKET and 8 channels of ASNT; Research of solar accelerators by world largest underground muon detector (200 m.sq); now monitoring on 1 minute time scale, to be changed to 1 sec. Space Weather research - by advanced ASEC and SEVAN networks; Possible some additions if succeed to establish thousand frames per secon shooting of skies and if make coherent space (MSU satellites) and ground monitoring.
“Research Centre of Cosmic Rays and Radiation Events in Atmosphere CRREAT” Nuclear Physics Institute, Department of Radiation Dosimetry, Dr. Ondrej Ploc, Praha, Check Republic; European Dosimetery network; Members – several institutions from France, Spain, USA and others; CRD also will participate by ask of Karel Kudela; Want to purchase SEVAN!?
The LIghtning and COsmic Rays in Natural Environment (LICORNE) French brand-new transverse multi-disciplinary research project gathering experts working in the fields of High-energy Astroparticles and Atmospheric Sciences; Providing key insights on the possible relationships between lightning occurrence and air showers from high-energy cosmic rays; Lightning initiation: lightning flash can be triggered by an avalanche of runaway electrons created by cosmic ray-induced extensive air showers with energy in excess of 1016 eV (Gurevich et al, 1992 and 1999), but this remains to be experimentally evidenced; The LICORNE project will use, for the cosmic ray part, the CODALEMA instrument, 13 plastic scintillators; Radio array consisting of 57 autonomous stations sensitive to the electric field transient emitted by the air shower initiated by the primary cosmic ray (between 20 MHz and 200 MHz); Highly-sensitive compact array of cabled and phased antennas over 150 m x 150 m area triggered by the particle detector array; Local weather station, a professional electric field mill and possibly a microphone array to map the acoustic lightning sources in 3D. Lightning data are provided by the high resolution French National Lightning Locating System, Météorage, which operates in the VLF/LF bandwidth.
Job announcement Для поддержки и обеспечения функционирования новых вычислительных и информационных серверов Ереванский Институт Физики приглашает принять участие в конкурсе на замещение вакантных должностей в отделе “Вычислительной физики и информационных технологий” IT - специалистов с опытом работы (не менее трех лет) по следующим направлениям: LAMP technologies: UNIX/Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP Java, основы знаний по Software Design Patterns, представление о NOSQL Databases. Желательно.наличие опыта работы с MongoDB Представление с CORBA и Python Предполагается участие принятых сотрудников в международных научно-технических проектах стажировка в крупнейших Европейских научных центрах и, при положительных результатах, лидирующее положение в группе обеспечения работ по вышеуказанным проектам. Просим присылать CV с указанием телефонных номеров по адресу Мы Вас пригласим для прохождения собеседования.
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