From Theory of Change to Value for Money 1
Context Social, political, environmental … Current state of the problem Desired long term change Sequence of change Assumptions Theory of change process 2 Baseline Impact/ Outcomes ? Inputs, activities, output … or results chain Information for log frame
The onion – layers of inequality
Vicious negative…virtuous positive Family condone oppression Custom, religion, local structures say suffer in silence Education reinforces gender steretypes Media, justice system, state structures fail women Woman disempowered
GL ToC GL SADC PROTOCOL ALLIANCE PROGRAMME: works with civil society organisations; national and regional governance SADC PROTOCOL ON GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT: guides all GL’s work
MDGs achieved Increased accountability and responsiveness of Government Behaviour change Citizens Government Influence on behaviour of elected representatives, govt. offices, judiciary Citizen action Civil society strengthen ed Information disseminated Capacity built Knowledge generated Targeted strategic interventions Individual and shared learning Selection, tailored support, grantsInputs Process Process outputs Outputs Outcome Impact 6
MDG 3 – Gender equality SADC Protocol on Gender and Development Media 100 media houses Justice 1500 survivors of GBV Governance 300 local councils Local/ institutional National Regional Global Cross cutting themes: Climate Change and Economic Justice
Results Chain Funds, expertise, time, staff Activities, actions … (Education strategy, resourcing plans) Specific deliverable of the project and which provide conditions necessary for outcome(s) to be achieved (schools built) What will change/who will benefit (children receiving quality education to primary school level yr5) Overall goal to which the project will contribute (literacy levels) Input Process Output Outcome Impact Context and Assumptions 8
Value for money “Value for money is the best use of resources to deliver the desired impact.” Independent Commission on Aid Impact (ICAI) 2011 “Value for Money (VfM)…is about maximising the impact of each pound spent to improve poor people’s lives.” DFID ‟ s approach to VfM 2011
VFM and the results chain InputOutputOutreachOutcomeImpact ECONOMY EFFICIENCY EFFECTIVENESS
GL VFM Tracking - leveraging
VFM tracking - savings
Unit cost analysis- summit
Unit cost.. Cascading to district