Makerere University Outreach Workshop
Stakeholder Theory – Broad Context An entity, person, group, neighborhood, organization, institution, societies or even natural environments can be potential stakeholders Stakeholder Theory – Library Context Library stakeholders can best be described as constituent groups with needs and expectations that the library must meet. Needs for each group varies and the library may struggle to meet those needs.
University Outside Library & University Library
Stakeholders Faculty University Level IT Staff Senior Library Staff Community Undergrad Students International Students Alumni Association Other Library Staff Graduate Students Donors
OUTCOMES – Broadly Defined The consequence, visible or practical result or effect of an event or activity OUTCOMES – LIBRARY CONTEXT Outcomes can be seen as the eventual result of using library services, the influence the use had, and its significance to the user
Outcomes are focused on STAKEHOLDERS What DIFFERENCE did the program make? How did the participant benefit ?“
StakeholdersOutcomes Planning & Evaluation