Word Smart Language learning through games Presented by Natalie Bianchi and Kate Graham
Giving it context… 160 students on the SEN register 69 PPG students 120 EAL students (changes every term)
Make a list of things that you might see in your local hospital
Enough of a reason to change…
55 SEN IN ENGLAND : those at SA+ and those with statements, ( DfE SFR 2014) At primary school At secondary school % SLCN BESD 31.6% (top) 11% (fourth) 18.4% (third) 26.7% (top)
What students said…. “I don’t understand what is going on anyway” “I hate writing. I don’t know what to write” “I’m having a fight nearly every day. I feel like my teachers are trying to catch me doing something bad” “I don’t feel like I do well” “Lessons are boring, Id rather get sent out than sit in them” “You think I’m stupid don’t you?”
7 1. Focus attention and listen 7 2.Hold the words in auditory memory for decoding 3.Recognising words 4.Understanding words 5.Understanding order of words 6.Understanding intended meaning Look Recognise non- verbal cues 7.Get the idea 8.Have an idea about what to say Choose non- verbal output 9. Find the words in your memory 10. Make sentences to say 11. Programme your speech muscles 12. Speak Match to words 13. Check other person’s expression and body language The Communication Chain
8 1. Focus attention and listen 8 2.Hold the words in auditory memory for decoding 3.Recognising words 4.Understanding words 5.Understanding order of words 6.Understanding intended meaning Look Recognise non- verbal cues 7.Get the idea 8.Have an idea about what to say Choose non- verbal output 9. Find the words in your memory 10. Make sentences to say 11. Programme your speech muscles 12. Speak Match to words 13. Check other person’s expression and body language “What does the word Peculiar mean?” “Its something you find in a fridge”
9 1. Focus attention and listen 9 2.Hold the words in auditory memory for decoding 3.Recognising words 4.Understanding words 5.Understanding order of words 6.Understanding intended meaning Look Recognise non- verbal cues 7.Get the idea 8.Have an idea about what to say Choose non- verbal output 9. Find the words in your memory 10. Make sentences to say 11. Programme your speech muscles 12. Speak Match to words 13. Check other person’s expression and body language “What does the word Peculiar mean?” “Its something you find in a fridge”
The Games Bingo Snap it Dough it Act it Link blagger Think Link Story machine Guess what Say it Word bag
The Games Snap it Guess What!!! Link Blagger Think Link Dough It Say it Act it Word Bag Story machine Bingo
The assessment Word Smart ScoreThe Link Name of student:Curriculum Area Teacher:Year group: Word Name it (i f students can’t name, only go to question 5) Word length Clap the beats (syllables) Beginning sound Spell it Give it a meaning List 2 related words Say it in a sentence Write it in a sentence WS Pre score WS post score Word Smart March 2016: NBianchi /90 /90
Teacher “What does this word mean?” Student “You find it in the fridge ”
FocusPre Assessment Post assessment Impact Small Group Whole Class Whole class (didn’t do WS) 74-3 The impact
What staff said… Word Smart improved the students in both their understanding of the key words and the way they are able to use them in sentences” The project and the thinking around it, revolutionised the ways nurture group teachers approached teaching Work that has come out of the programme will have a long lasting difference. It clearly works, and is still developing. The students enjoyed playing the games, as the games are really quick to set up it allows the students to take control of their own learning and decide which game is to be played in that lesson. Playing the games made their behaviour easier to manage as they very quickly understand what is expected of them and how to use the cards By creating the cards it has forced me to tackle difficult abstract concepts like inference, however with persistence my nurture class now know what inference is. The cards and games gave me a platform for teaching some difficult, abstract but crucial terms to my class.
Next steps o Involving Parents o Linking the games with the learning objectives for the programme o Early preparation for GCSE o Summer school cross curricular o Embedding across English nurture group curriculum (in first instance) o Training full staff team on how to use Word Smart in the classroom o Write up and design a programme pack to share with other professionals o Create a network amongst Oxfordshire schools