Source: Patton, p1.
Program Evaluation: The systematic use of empirical information to assess and improve programs or policies
Agenda Framework for Evaluation Course activities and organization Break Block Watch Exercise
Using Empirical Information in Decision-making
Framework for Evaluation Evaluation must be tailored to the needs of the organization Evaluation is resource intensive—is it likely to yield a good return on investment? Evaluation relies on critical skills Ability to translate management challenges and opportunities into evaluation questions Ability to map questions into research design and data collection plans that can address them Ability to manage the process of evaluation by working closely with stakeholders (funders, staff, clients, community) to create high quality evaluation information
Key Learning Objectives Understand the purposes and logic of program evaluation Apply principles of research design to evaluation Explore qualitative and quantitative data collection for evaluation Understand the processes of evaluation including participation of stakeholders
Evaluation Design Issues External or Internal Evaluator? Formative or Summative? Process/Activity focused or Outcome focused? How participatory? At what stages? With what kinds of stakeholders? Resource intensive or quick and dirty?
Block Watch Exercise: What questions should this evaluation address? Why? How do you plan to involve stakeholders in the evaluation? Why? What is your research design? What comparisons will you use? What data will you collect?
NEXT TIME Program Theory and Evaluation Goals Assignment 1 due, using the Evaluation Assessment ToolEvaluation Assessment Tool