Semiconductor pixel detector with absorption grid as a tool for charge sharing studies and energy resolution improvement a Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Czech Technical University in Prague b Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague c Institute of Physics ASCR, v.v.i., Prague Frantisek Krejci a,b, Jan Jakubek a, Martin Kroupa a, Vlastimil Jurka c, Karel Hruska c Poster Nr. 185
Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague Charge sharing & energy resolution of pixel detectors Detected particle energy is a function of place of photon interaction Energy resolution of the detector is degraded due to charge sharing. Detector matrix and the grid have the same period pixel borders covered charge sharing reduced energy resolution improved Detector matrix and the grid have different period pixels covered in different positions Moiré (oversampling) effect charge sharing studies Solution – combination with an absorbing grid Frantisek Krejci Poster Nr. 185
Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague DQE and detected energy vs. place of photon interaction DQE of a Timepix pixel for 8 keV photons (different threshold levels) Poster Nr. 185 Frantisek Krejci Energy detected by Timepix detector (8keV photons) vs. place of interaction