THE SAINT PATRICK GEOMAGNETIC STORM MONITORED BY THE ERICA PROJECT Gabriella Povero* 1, Prayitno Abadi 2, Lucilla Alfonsi 3, Domenico Di Mauro 3, Fabio Dovis 4, Vinh La The 5, Minh Le Huy 6, Michael Pezzopane 3, Marco Pini 1, Rodrigo Romero 4, Luca Spogli 3, Nicolas Floury 7 1 Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (Italy) 2 National Institute of Aeronautics and Space - LAPAN (Indonesia) 3 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy), 4 Politecnico di Torino (Italy) 5 Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Vietnam) 6 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (Vietnam) 7 European Space Agency *ERICA P.I.
2015 IAIN World Congress 2 Prague, 22 nd October 2015 THE ERICA STUDY ALCANTARA Initiative: Characterisation of Equatorial Ionospheric Anomaly in African/Asian regions Equatorial Ionosphere Characterization in Asia Aim: Aim: To characterize the ionospheric variability in the area of the Equatorial Ionospheric Anomaly, in particular the variation of the plasma electron density in the EIA southern and northern crests and over the dip equator identified by the Equatorial Ionospheric Trough Ad hoc measurement campaign conducted with ground-based instruments at the footprints of EIA and EIT in Vietnam and Indonesia ESWW12 – November 23-27, 2015
2015 IAIN World Congress 3 Prague, 22 nd October 2015 THE ERICA CAMPAIGN Dip equator +15° +20° -15° -20° Start: 1 March 2015Stop: 9 October 2015 LocationGNSS (50Hz)MagnetometerIonosonde Navis (Hanoi)X Phu ThuyXX HueX Da LatX Bac LieuXX ManadoX KototabangX PontianakXX BandungX TanjungsariX PameungpeukX WatukosekX NegaraX KupangXX ESWW12 – November 23-27, 2015
2015 IAIN World Congress 4 Prague, 22 nd October 2015 ST. PATRICK STORM ESWW12 – November 23-27, 2015 PHUTS HUE01 MNDOS PTKAS BDG0S KPNGS S4 Post sunset scintillation Scintillation inhibition
2015 IAIN World Congress 5 Prague, 22 nd October 2015 ST. PATRICK STORM ESWW12 – November 23-27, 2015 S4 ionosonde | ionogram recorded but trace too weak to calculate foF2 | no sporadic E negative phase foF2 ftEs
2015 IAIN World Congress 6 Prague, 22 nd October 2015 ST. PATRICK STORM ESWW12 – November 23-27, 2015 magnetometers Spectral analysis in the frequency band mHz (color scale in arbitrary units) of the storm commencement and peak (17 March) Phu Thuy Da Lat Pameungpeuk Watukosek
2015 IAIN World Congress 7 Prague, 22 nd October 2015 REMARKS ERICA campaign (1 March – 9 October 2015) had the chance to cover the most disturbed periods of the last solar cycle (St. Patrick Storm in particular) GNSS’s – Ground magnetometers – Ionosondes ERICA campaign allows checking the simultaneous effects on GNSS of both Southern and Northern Crest of the EIA Scintillation inhibition during the main phase of the storm has been identified Latitudinal and longitudinal dependence has been characterised ESWW12 – November 23-27, 2015