Prague lies in the middle of Bohemia. It is situated on the river Vltava. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. It has been the capital of the country since Its population is about Prague is the a political, cultural and economical center of the Czech Republic. Prague historical center was put on the UNESCO world cultural heritage list.
Prague is rich in history. During the thousand years of its existence, the city grew from the settlement to the multicultural capital of the Czech Republic. Many famous people were born in Prague. Many world-known personalities lived or spent some time in Prague, e.g. Mozart, Beethoven, Einstein etc. Prague is a popular place of many important international festivals, conferences and trade fairs.
Prague is sometimes called: "Prague of Hundred Spires“ "Golden Prague", "The Mother of Cities“ Maybe because of its numerous historical monuments, its church towers and domes.
Prague is the seat of the president, parliament, government and other highest state and political bodies of the Czech Republic. Prague became a center of European importance during the reign of the king and emperor Charles IV. who established the New Town and Charles University in The Charles University is the oldest and largest in the Czech Republic.
Prague is an important transport junction. There is the national airport – Ruzyně. There is a net of buses and trams. There is also an underground.
The old center of Prague consists of five historical districts: 1. The Old Town 2. The New Town 3. The Jewish town (Josefov) 4. The Lesser Town 5. Hradčany
Wenceslas SquareNational Museum Wenceslas Square is the heart of the city. It is an important shopping and cultural center. At the top of the square is St Wenceslas Monument. National Museum is at the top of the Wenceslas square. National Museum is a building of Neo- Renaissance style. You can see historical as well as biological collections there.
Charles BridgePowder Tower The most famous bridge It was built by Charles IV. It is a unique open-air gallery of Baroque statues. It is a monumental Gothic entrance tower for the Old Town. It is one of the symbols of Prague.
The Petřín TowerPrague Orloj This tower gives one of the best views of the whole city. It is 60 meters tall. There is a mirror maze on the top of the Petřín Hill. Prague Orloj is an astronomical clock with special mechanism. It is the third-oldest astronomical clock in the world. Only this astronomical clock are still working.
Prague CastleSt Vitus Cathedral Prague Castle is a block of palaces. In the past it was the seat of Czech Kings. Since 1918 it has been the seat of the president, government and parlimaent. St Vitus Cathedral was designed by Petr Parler and Matthias of Arras. There are the tombs of Czech kings underground.
The National Theatre The National theatre is known as the Alma Matter of Czech opera. It is the national monument of the Czech history and art. It is the most important Czech cultural institution.
What do you know about Prague? Is Prague a young city with no history? Can you tell me something about the Prague Castle? Do you know some basic information about the Charles University? Which places have you visited in Prague? Have you ever visited the National Museum and the National theatre? Would you like to live in our capital city? How often do you visit Prague and why? Try to compare living in Prague and in your own town.
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