DO NOW: (1)Think of major religions we have studied. What generalizations can you make about how they got started? (2)Make a prediction: How did Islam get started? (3)Please write down everything you remember about Islam (its history and beliefs).
Muslim Civilizations The Rise of Islam today’s lesson 2. Building a Muslim Empire 3. Muslim Civilization’s Golden Age 4. India’s Muslim Empires 5. The Ottoman and Safavid Empires Who was Muhammad and how did his teachings lead to the rise and spread of Islam?
The Rise of Islam The Rise of Islam The religion of Islam began on the Arabian Peninsula followers called Muslims Arabian Peninsula is mostly desert (very harsh climate) In 500s, was home to Arab tribes (pagan) Trading routes connected oasis towns Much warfare competing for water, pasture Nomadic herders called Bedouins traveled with their animals (camels, goats and sheep) along trading routes in search of pastureland
Muhammed becomes a Prophet Born in oasis town of Mecca, around 570 C.E. Born in oasis town of Mecca, around 570 C.E. Led caravans across the desert Led caravans across the desert Became a successful merchant/trader Became a successful merchant/trader Illiterate Illiterate Married at 25 to Khadija Married at 25 to Khadija
W Went to meditate in a cave H Heard the voice of angel Gabriel calling him to be a messenger of God! Muhammed becomes a Prophet
Angel Gabriel gives word of God to Quran Muhammed he writes the Quran Khadija becomes first convert Islam means: “Submit to the will of God” Muslim means: “One who submits to God” Note the beautiful geometric design Medieval Quran illuminated in gold
5 Pillars Activity Exit Ticket (on your card): What are 3 things you learned about Islam today? What are 3 things you learned about Islam today? What is 1 idea that surprised you? What is 1 idea that surprised you? What still confuses you? What still confuses you?
In 622 C.E., Muhammed and his followers left for the town of Medina Journey known as the Hijra (Mecca to Medina) 622 C.E. became the first year of the Muslim calendar People of Medina welcomed Muhammed and converted to Islam … formed Muslim community called “umma” Islam united Arabs, even from different tribes and clans Rules of Islam brought peace! 630 C.E. Muhammed conquered Mecca and destroyed all the pagan idols of Mecca The Hijra: A Turning Point?