TPC laser DCS status at NBI by Gaël Renault reported by B. S. Nielsen 6 Oct 2005
Aim: –Control the laser + cameras + motors on 1 Win Xp PC –Using PVSS + DIM –Using as much as possible TCP/IP protocol –Trying to avoid RS232 PC Win XP Overview
Laser Control and Tracker Network (TCP/IP) RS232 PC Win XP - C++ DIM server + drivers - PVSS proj. tpc_laser_dcs: + 1 panel + 1 DIM client Spectron Laser Digi PortServer STATUS Running and need Digi tests
Note on laser HW situation: - existing Spectron laser was bought in a 2nd laser was always planned - but, Spectron will now not produce scientific lasers on this type we are currently negociating with other manufacturers – expect to order very soon - the new laser will have different control, but we think that the basic communication is compatible
Picomotors Network (TCP/IP) PC Win XP Newfocus Picomotor + Ethernet Controler - PVSS proj. tpc_laser_dcs: + 1 panel STATUS Running BUT -No sensor: if blocked need reposition MANUALY! -No absolute position -No DHCP -RS232 may be necessary RS232
Frame Grabber software Cameras BNC cable Camera Frame Graber STATUS -Good for 16 cameras! -Microsoft Visual C++ source -Tests on Synchronization with the laser -Tests on image acquisition -Next step image processing
Synchronisation Added functionality of the system: - synchronise cameras to the laser pulse - synchronise laser pulses to LHC clock/orbit Hardware: - TPC/TRD DCS board, placed in the laser hut - Controlled by Ethernet - TTC interface to the trigger system - TTL control signals to the laser and cameras, dedicated cables Software: - based on TPC/TRD system – details coming soon
Questions on equipment and database Equipment table: OK The 2 PCs now placed in the counting room Make sure that FALCONquattro framegrabber fits in the PC No ELMB foreseen. Database: Nothing to download to front-end A few (20-50) parameters need to be R/W accessed by DCS processes Static database of some 100’s values (mirror positions,...)
FMD DCS status B.S.Nielsen, 6 Oct 2005 Overview drawing: CAEN Easy has been defined Equipment inventory OK, but Do we really need 4 PCs ? ELMBs ? FERO, loaded through 3 RCU’s: ~20 words/FMDD = 400 bytes + 51,200 pedestals EMLB: None have been foreseen, but we will have to introduce water cooling combined with TPC heat shield. Temperature sensors are foreseen on the digitizer boards, but EMLB sensors should be considered.