Inquiry Tracking
Inquiry Tracking :: Logon Non-Weidmuller employees use the first initial of your first name and your full last name. (i.e. bjones for Barbara Jones) Weidmuller employees use your network / user id. (i.e. WUS99999) Non-Weidmuller employees use the password you previously set up Weidmuller Employees user your Network/ password Non-Weidmuller employees can ask for their password to be reset if they forgot theirs. You must do this the first time you sign on to the system Weidmuller employees cannot forget their password. If the do, they need to contact Weidmuller IT department to get it reset.. Press the Login button to log in to the Inquiry system If you have any issues signing on please send an to Just a pretty button that will refresh the screen on the log in screen
Inquiry Tracking :: Customer Review Screen Header Display Criteria Inquiry List Because of the complexity of this screen we will be discussing it in the next three slides. First, lets define the 3 sections.
Inquiry Tracking :: Customer Inquiry Review :: Header Takes you to the Home screen which just happens to be this screen. Only non-Weidmuller employees can change their password. This is the user currently signed on. Allows the user to log off the system You won’t see this button unless you are a system administrator.
Inquiry Tracking :: Customer Inquiry :: Display Criteria If you have access to more than one territory you can limit which territory appears in the list. *ALL is all territories you are authorized to see. Starting Date for the inquiry. This defaults to the current date – 1 year These options will filter the amount of information retrieved from the database. You can use this to display a calendar. The review phase is what phase in the review process is the inquiry. Valid values are: All – Inquiries in all phases are shown New – Only those inquiries that were just entered from the web or trade show are shown. Assigned- Only those inquiries that have been assigned to a salesperson or rep are shown. Reviewed – Only those inquiries that have been reviewed by a salesperson or rep are shown. You must press the reload button to apply these filters What is the difference between the Status and the Phase? Status is really just an open or closed flag, yes there is a Trash option but that is just a closed status with prejudice. Phase is meant to track where the inquiry is in the review process. New - When a record is created it is defaulted to a New status. This lets us know that we need to review it and either Assign it to a territory or just Close (or Trash ) it outright. This allows the sales people to just concentrate on meaningful inquiries. What is the difference between the Status and the Phase? (continued) Assigned - When a record is initially reviewed and is deemed a reasonable inquiry it will be assigned to a territory. In this phase it is available for the salespeople and reps to look at and perform any follow up. What is the difference between the Status and the Phase? (continued) Reviewed - When an inquiry is opened by a salesperson or rep it will automatically be marked as reviewed. In this phase it is available for the salespeople and reps to look at and perform any follow up. So, right about now you are thinking, ‘What inquiries are Trash?’. Well, these could be: Incomplete inquiries. Inquiries from competitors. Nonsensical inquiries. The current status of the inquiry. Available options are: ALL – All inquires are shown. Open – Only Open Inquiries are shown. Closed – Only closed inquiries are shown. Trash – Only Inquiries that were deemed Trash are shown
Inquiry Tracking :: Customer Inquiry :: Inquiry List This search box will search every field in every inquiry* to see if a match is found and then only those records are displayed. * Only those records that also match the criteria specified in the previous slide are searched. How many records to show on the screen. The default is 10. You can select 10,25,50 or100 Clicking on any column heading to sort on that column. Clicking on it again will reverse the sort. Click here to see a quick over view of the Inquiry. Clicking on the edit button will take you to the Inquiry Edit screen where you can update the inquiry and add follow up notes. This status area tells you which inquiries are currently in the visible portion of the list and the total number of inquiries based on the selection criteria you previously entered. This is the paging area where you can page forward and backwards and jump ahead up to 4 pages.
Inquiry Tracking :: Customer Inquiry :: Inquiry List continued … I have put some text into the search box. Here you can see that there are 279 total entries based on the Display Criteria But, the Search field has filtered it down to 15 entries Of the 15 entries only 10 are being shown because I have set the page size to 10. Notice that the number of pages has changed to reflect the filtered list Lets see the search and additional information features in action This is what it looks like when you ‘expand’ an entry. You can click on the minus (-) button to hide the additional information. If you click to expand another entry, the previous entry will also collapse. Clicking the Edit Button will take you to the View/Edit Customer Inquiry Screen
Inquiry tracking :: View/Edit Customer Inquiry Because of the complexity of this screen we will be discussing it in the next several slides. First, lets define the 2 sections and 5 tabs. Header Body Inquiry Information This tab contains basic information about the Inquiry Inquiry Comment This tab contains any comment text associated with the comment Inquiry Assignment This tab contains the sales rep to which this lead has been assigned. Sales Follow Up This tab is where the sales person or rep can add comments and follow up information Audit Data This tab contains logging information about the inquiry
Inquiry tracking :: View/Edit Customer Inquiry :: Header This section is the same as previously described While this is still a pretty button it now takes you back to the Inquiry listing If you want to refresh this screen you can press F5. This is a drop down menu from which you can close this inquiry or send it via to another user Only Admins can see this menu option. From this menu the Admin will be able to import leads from a trade show, update zip to territory assignments and update and add users.
Inquiry tracking :: View/Edit Customer Inquiry :: Inquiry Information The reference number for the current inquiry. This button allows you to toggle between View and Edit mode. Current Status Current Phase Contact Information either entered on the web inquiry form or from a trade show. This button assigns the inquiry to a Sales person or rep and sends an . You have probably seen the s Go to the next lead in your list. If this inquiry has ben sent to technical support or customer service it will be noted here. This button closes the inquiry and sends it to technical support. If this inquiry has already been sent, to technical support, this button will be hidden to everyone except Admins. This button closes the inquiry and sends it to customer service. If this inquiry has already been sent, to customer service, this button will be hidden to everyone except Admins. A redundant Close button. The Inquiry can also be closed from the Inquiry Action menu option. This button closes the inquiry as trash. This allows us to keep track of all inquiries but mark it as nonsensical or incomplete.
Inquiry tracking :: View/Edit Customer Inquiry :: Lead Assignment When you click on the Sales Rep button this window will appear. Based on the products they are interested in and the zip code that was entered a territory will be pre- selected. You can change the pre-selected option if necessary. There can be up to three assignments made from this screen based on the product(s) selected PCB Assignment Tools Assignment Industrial Assignment Once the assignments have been selected click the Assign button to commit the assignments to the database. You can cancel out of the current operation by clicking the Cancel button Or you can cancel by closing this window
Inquiry tracking :: View/Edit Customer Inquiry :: Tech Support When you click on the Tech Support or Customer Service button this window will appear. You have the option to leave the Inquiry open or close it. The Tech Support and Customer Service DO NOT create an assignment record. These options only send an to the corresponding department’s mailbox. Enter any comment you want sent with the to Tech support (or Customer Service) If you want to close the inquiry click Yes If you want to leave the inquiry open click No If you want to cancel the click cancel You can also cancel the process by closing the window. If you are sending this to Customer Service this title will change accordingly. You will be notified here if this inquiry has already been sent to Technical Support or Customer Service.
Inquiry tracking :: View/Edit Customer Inquiry :: Close Inquiry When you click on the Close or Trash buttons you will get a confirmation window similar to this window. The title will change slightly based on the button selected The prompt will change slightly based on the button selected Click Yes to close Click No to cancel You can also cancel this operation by clicking on the window’s close button.
Inquiry tracking :: View/Edit Customer Inquiry :: Inquiry Comment Comments entered by the customer are displayed here. This is not an editable field
Inquiry tracking :: View/Edit Customer Inquiry :: Inquiry Assignment List of all assignments. You can re-assign an incorrectly assigned inquiry. The Lead Assignment window will appear to allow you to re- assign the inquiry. You can add an assignment for another sales person or rep. The Lead Assignment window will appear and allow you to add another assignment. What is the difference between a re-assignment and an add? If you re-assign an inquiry the current assignment is changed to the new territory. If you add an assignment another territory is added to the list
Inquiry tracking :: View/Edit Customer Inquiry :: Sales Follow up Sales Follow up information. Who did it. How did they do it. Information about lead quality. Notes are hidden until you click the expand button You can add additional follow ups and notes. There is no limit.
Inquiry tracking :: View/Edit Customer Inquiry :: Add Follow Up Allows you to specify contact method and viability of the lead When you click on the Add Follow Up button this window will appear. You can add notes to the Inquiry if necessary Keep track of how much space you have left for your note. They can only be 2048 characters long. When you are done you can save it Or, you can cancel it Like every other window you can also cancel by clicking on the window’s close button
Inquiry tracking :: View/Edit Customer Inquiry :: Audit Data
Websites and Contact Information The new Information request screen can be found at: The new inquiry tracking site is at : If you have issues you can send an to: or Or you can call Jennifer Craig at
Update #1 A new feature has been added to allow the user to download all of the inquiries in the current Inquiry Review listing.
Update #1 - continued Using the screen shot in the previous slide: CSV Button The CSV button will download all of the information visible on the screen and also the Address, Phone Number, Fax Number and the complete comment text. You will be prompted for a file name. Print Button The Print button will just enlarge the list so all entries are shown and remove all of the controls, headers and footers. Information like the Address, Phone Number and Fax Number will NOT be displayed. You will have to press F5 to redisplay the normal Customer Inquiry Review screen.