UNCLASSIFIED 1 Republic of Pacifica Operational Intelligence Preparation of the Environment (OIPE) Brief 9-17 June 2016
UNCLASSIFIED 2 1.What is Operational Intelligence Preparation of the Environment (OIPE)? 2.OIPE for the Republic of Pacifica: A.Geography; B.Weather and Hazards; C.Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical and Time (PMESII-PT); D.Road to Crisis. Agenda
UNCLASSIFIED 3 OIPE: A continuous activity that assists Commander ’ s Appreciation Process during all phases of planning and execution of multinational operations. OIPE provides foundation for Commander ’ s Situational Assessment A key CTF planning principle is: “ Before any problem solutions can be identified the problem must first be clearly understood. –Understanding the problem(s) preventing attainment of the assigned military end states is essential for the CCTF to accurately understand the situation. OIPE is a modification of the Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (JIPOE) which includes: –Baseline analysis of the traditional intelligence concerns of enemy, weather, terrain; –Added considerations that political, military, economic, social, infrastructure, and information dynamics have on the operational environment. What is OIPE?
UNCLASSIFIED 4 What is OIPE? This briefing will provide an overview of the OIPE for this workshop. A complete OIPE study is located in digital form on each laptop in your planning groups.
UNCLASSIFIED 5 OIPE: Republic of Pacifica
UNCLASSIFIED 6 Pacifica within the Region
UNCLASSIFIED 7 Island nation in the southeast Pacific. –Rugged Central Highland mountain interior; 25 mountain peaks exceed 4,000 m (13,123 ft.) –Lowland plains to north and south with dense jungle, extensive wetlands and savannas, and broad rivers; –Elevation: Sea level to 4,884 m (16,024 ft.); –Many rural villages are isolated with little to no access to the outside. Area: 785,753 km 2 (303,381 sq. miles) –Approx. size of Turkey or US State of California Maritime Claims: –Territorial sea: 22.2 km (12 nm) –Exclusive Economic Zone (370.4 km (200 nm) Pacifica Geography
UNCLASSIFIED Pacifica Demography Total population (est.): 11.3 million Sex ration: 1.05 males / 1 female Age structure: 0-14 yrs.34.45% yrs.19.77% yrs.36.43% yrs.05.30% 65+ yrs.04.05% Median age:22.6 yrs. Population growth rate (est.): 1.78% Urbanization: Urban13% Rural87% Major urban areas: New Portsmouth254,158 Carteret200,524 Mendara184,239 Queiros136,302 Cooktown100,677 Only 5 cities have populations > 100,000 persons 8
UNCLASSIFIED 9 Weather: –Lowlands: Hot, humid, tropical; –Highlands: Decreasing temperature with higher elevation; tropical glaciers at the highest peaks. Hazards: –Earthquakes; –Tsunamis; –Cyclonic storms; –Landslides; –Flooding; –Drought. Pacifica Weather and Hazards
UNCLASSIFIED Pacifica PMESII-PT (Political) Constitutional, parliamentary republic. Capital: Cooktown. Executive Branch: –President (Head of State: 5 yr. term); –Prime Minister (Head of Government: 5 yr. term or until Vote of No Confidence); –Cabinet composed of Members of Parliament selected by the Prime Minister; –Governmental Ministries. Legislative Branch: –Unicameral Parliament; –Members elected for 5 years or until a Vote of No Confidence. Judiciary: –Supreme Court: Sits in Cooktown; Appellate jurisdiction only. –National Courts: Sit in Provincial Capitals; Appellate and original jurisdiction. –Municipal Courts: Sit in major urban centers and larger towns; Original jurisdiction only. –Follows a mixture of English Common Law and tribal law NDMO: Pacifica National Disaster Management Agency (PNDMA) 10
UNCLASSIFIED 11 Pacifica PMESII-PT (Political) 8 Provinces and 1 Special Administrative Region: ProvinceProvincial Capital Western PeninsulaQueiros Northwestern ProvinceCarteret Western Highland ProvinceFurneaux Southwestern ProvinceAnson Northeastern ProvinceWallis Eastern HighlandsStanley Southeastern ProvinceGore Eastern Peninsula ProvinceNew Portsmouth National Capital RegionCooktown (National capital)
UNCLASSIFIED 12 Pacifica National Police (PNP) –National, uniformed police. –4,800 officers; recruitment freeze due to budget constraints. –Poorly trained and equipped. –Lacks funds for training and equipment maintenance. –Unprofessional; lacks confidence of the citizenry. Pacifica Auxiliary Police Force (PAPF) –Volunteer, unarmed, un-uniformed, rural area police auxiliary. –Estimated 3,000 PAPF volunteer officers, exact number unknown. –Nominally under PNP direction and control. –Officially unarmed; many officers carry personal weapons. –Untrained, unprofessional, lacks confidence of the citizenry. Pacifica PMESII-PT (Security – Police)
UNCLASSIFIED 13 Pacifica Defence Force (PDF) Unified, joint, armed, territorial defense force. 2,100 officers and men; recruitment freeze due to budget constraints. 3 branches: –Pacifica Territorial Defence Force – 1,800-man, light-infantry land component; –Pacifica Maritime Defence Force – 200-man, 4-patrol boat maritime component; –Pacifica Air Force – 100-man, 2-fixed wing, 5-rotary wing air component. Poorly equipped and trained; suffers from internal disputes. Lacks funds for equipment operations, maintenance and replacement. Not deployable outside of Pacifica. Considered ineffective in ability to conduct missions of defense, internal security support and disaster response. Pacifica PMESII-PT (Security – Military)
UNCLASSIFIED 14 Primarily subsistence farming economy: –85% of Pacifica labor force involved in subsistence farming. Staple crops of sweet potatoes and taro. –Light export industries of mining, copra products and coffee. Annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP): US$ 18.6 billion Annual GDP per capita:US$ 2,500 37% of Pacifica citizens live below poverty level. GDP real growth rate:8.5% Labor force: Primarily subsistence farmers with little disposable income. Pacifica PMESII-PT (Economic)
UNCLASSIFIED 15 Ethnic groups: –Strong tribal culture based on 2 large tribal groups: Highland and Lowland tribes. –Over 1,000 tribal-based communities, many isolated. –Historically high levels of inter-tribal and intra-tribal violence among communities. Languages: –Over 1,000 tribal languages, many with < 1,000 speakers. –Official languages: English and Pacifican (English-indigenous language creole) Religion –Protestant Christian: 70% –Roman Catholic:27% –Other:3% (Indigenous beliefs and practices have been absorbed into both practices of Christianity.) Pacifica PMESII-PT (Social)
UNCLASSIFIED 16 Literacy rate: 64% –Many rural children unable to attend school due to remoteness of settlements. Major newspapers: 4 Television: –1 government-run television station; –1 commercial television station; –International satellite broadcasts available. Radio: –1 government-run AM / FM / SW station with national coverage; –Numerous AM / FM / SW commercial stations in major urban centers. Telephones: – Fixed lines in use:150,000 ( 1 per 100 persons); –Mobile cellular use:3.4 million (30 per 100 persons). Internet use:164,500 (1.5% of the population) Pacifica PMESII-PT (Information)
UNCLASSIFIED 17 Airports: –12 supported airports or airfields; –Numerous unsupported landing strips of limited to unsafe quality. Heliports: –No designated heliports; –Numerous unsupported landing zones of limited to unsafe quality. Seaports: –3 major seaports; –Numerous small, unsupported wharves and landings along the coast and rivers. Roadways: –No national roadway network. Urban centers in western Pacifica are not connected by roadways; Limited roadways in eastern Pacifica. Existing roadways in fair to poor condition. 4 X 4 vehicles strongly recommended. –Access to most rural settlements is by foot, air (where airfields are available) or boat (coastal and river settlements). Pacifica PMESII-PT (Infrastructure)
UNCLASSIFIED Pacifica PMESII-PT (Physical & Time) Physical: Distances to Cooktown Airport from: Auckland, NZL7,245 km 3,912 nm Honolulu, HI, USA4,247 km 2,293 nm Pape’ete, PYF3,290 km 1,777 nm Suva, FJI6,611 km 3,570 nm Sydney, AUS9,354 km 5,051 nm Travis AFB, CA, USA4,982 km 2,690 nm Narita, JPN11,163 km 6,028 nm U-Tapao RTNAB, THA15,308 km 8,266 nm Villamor AB, PHL131,141 km 7,095 nm Time: UTC -8 Pacifica Time Zone (PTZ) –Does not observe Daylight Savings Time Same as West Coast, USA, in Winter months 2 hours ahead of Pape’ete, PYF 18
UNCLASSIFIED 19 El Niño’s Affect on Pacifica’s Climate: Normally, southern, moisture-laden winds strike Pacifica Central Highlands, producing extensive rains in Highlands and Lowland areas of Pacifica. Beginning in summer 2015, El Niño phenomenon produces warm waters north of Pacifica. Warm waters in the north block moisture-laden winds from the south. Pacifica Drought: Road to Crisis
UNCLASSIFIED 20 Beginning summer 2015, El Niño-driven drought affects Pacifica. Arid conditions fuel bush fires and cause extensive frost in Highlands. Drought causes water shortages. Drought and frosts cause crop failures. Traditional coping mechanisms fail. Water and food shortages affect 2.7 million people. Food and water shortages force migration and competition for scarce resources. Humanitarian response by Government and humanitarian agencies overwhelmed by size and remoteness of affected area. Shortages lead to tribal conflict and violence. PNP, supported by PDF, unable to restore order. 1 June 2016, Government requests international assistance in responding to effects of drought and to help restore order. Pacifica Drought: Current Status
UNCLASSIFIED 21 Pacifica Drought: Current Status