WHAT IS RESPIRATION? Breath is oxygen, breath out CO 2
Which of these factors can we easily test in the classroom? WHAT MIGHT AFFECT HOW MUCH WE BREATH?
BROMOMETHYL BLUE PH TEST CO 2 = acidic Oxygen = basic
HOW CAN WE TEST HOW EXERCISE AFFECTS RESPIRATION? Time how quickly color changes to measure change in respiration
WHAT IS YOUR HYPOTHESIS? If a person exercises and blows into a bromomethyl blue solution, then the bromomethyl blue will ___________________ color ____________________, because respiration is occurring at a ____________________ rate.
WHAT HAPPENED? Bromomethyl blue solution changed color faster after exercise Respiration rate increased due to physical activity More activity, more oxygen needed Cause- physical activity Effect- increase breathing (oxygen intake)
WHY DO YOU NEED MORE OXYGEN WHEN EXERCISING? Physical activity requires ENERGY Oxygen is needed to produce ATP (energy for the cells)