Plate Tectonics & Plate Boundaries
Quick Write In this chapter, you will learn about the plate boundaries and movements. Write down these questions and answer them in complete sentences. 1. What is a plate boundary? 2. What are 3 types of boundaries? 3.Why do plates move?
1. Theory of plate tectonics? Large crustal plates floating on liquid (molten) inside of Earth. 2. Place where plates meet? Plate boundaries. 3. Types of boundaries? Convergent, divergent, transform.
4. Convergent? 2 plates move towards each other. ( ) 5. Divergent? 2 plates move away from each other. ( ) 6. Transform? 2 plates move side by side. ( )
Check for Understanding The idea that large crust plates are floating on molten Earth interior is called what? What’s the location where plates meet? What are the 3 plate boundaries?
7. Convergent? Depends on types of crust involved types of CPB? O O, C C, O C 10. Characteristics: Volcanoes, subduction zones, trenches, mountain ranges, earthquakes 8. Crust types? Oceanic (O) and Continental (C).
11. Divergent? Splits the crust (rift). 12. Characteristics? Mid-ocean ridges (mountains), rift valleys, magma, earthquakes. 13. Transform characteristics? Violent EQs, no magma or mountains Movie
Check for Understanding O O, C C, and O C are all types of _______ boundaries. Divergent or Convergent or Transform What’s a difference between transform boundaries and divergent/convergent boundaries?
14. Mantle convection? Hot magma rises, cold magma sinks, makes a big circular pattern. 15. Rising? Center of Earth is hotter, magma is hotter and rises. 16. Sinking? At the surface, magma cools and sinks back to center.
17. Unanswered questions? Unsure about how currents started and their sizes. Movie
Check for Understanding What is the best explanation for how the plates move? Hotter material has a _____ density and rises. Colder material has a _____ density and sinks. Higher/Lower or Lower/Higher