Térraba: Week #14 Summary Poultry Pork Sausages Grains Fruits Greens/veggies Click on each group to find out Food’s names Sea Food Legumes Dairy Products
Click on each group for Food’s Names Supermarket World Click on each group for Food’s Names Liquors Soft Drinks Seasonings/ Spices Boys toys Juices Girls Toys Households House Cleaning
Click on pictures for fruit’s English names. Names of Fruits Spanish English Me gusta comer guayavas. Los jugos de albaricoque son deliciosos. Ella come durazno. .Mami compró una gran guanabana. I like eating juices are delicious She eats Mom bought a big guavas Apricot peach. soursop . Click on pictures for fruit’s English names.
Names of Vegetables and Legumes Spanish English Ponle nabos a la ensalada, por favor. Le agregaré hongos a la carne. No quiero berenjena. No me gusta. Las vainicas me encantan. Put on the salad, please. I will add to the meat. I don't want . I don’t like it. I love turnips mushrooms eggplant green beans. Click on pictures for English names of foods
More Fruits and Vegetables/Legumes Vocabulary Click on fruits for names in Spanish Click on pictures for names in English Blueberry Fig Raspberry Plum Guineps Peach Platain Passion fruit Strawberry Arándano Zapallo Camote Espinaca Esparrágus Rábano Remolacha Arvejas Apio Chile dulce squash sweet potato spinach Higos asparagus Frambuesas Ciruelas radish Mamones beetroot Melocotón peas Plátano celery Maracuyá bell pepper Fresas Vegetables /Legumes Fruits
Some-Many-Much Some Many Much Plural:countable/non-countable nouns I want some books. She needs some water. We found some irregularities in the account. Many Plural: Countable nouns only. Sue buys many chairs. They sell many purses. I want many people at the meeting. Much Plural: Non-countable nouns only. We must get much oil for this. You require much of their attention. He wants much food .
Fruit and Vegetables/Legumes Vocabulary in Use Clerk: What would you like, Sir? Sir: I’d like some passion fruit. Clerk: Like a kilo, Sir? Sir: Yes, please. What are these? Clerk: These are blueberries. Sir: Oh, thanks. Where are the guineps? Clerk: They are to your left in the fruit area. Should I sell you a pound? Sir: Hmmm, no. How much are the raspberries? Clerk: They are $5 per pound. Sir: May I have one pound. How many units do I get in a pound ? Clerk: around 100, sir. Clerk: Good morning Miss Baker. How may I help you today? Baker: Good morning Mr. Morales. I need several things. Clerk: Oh, yes. What’s on your list Miss Baker.? Baker: Two kilos of cassava, 1 pound of squash, a small cabbage and lettuce, a pound of tomatoes and cucumber and some celery and garlic. How much is that? Clerk: $57.30, miss. Baker: Here you are. Thank you. Clerk: Have a nice day, Miss Baker. Good bye. Baker: Bye. See you soon!
Any-No Negative statements Negative statements with No With Countable/ Non-counta-ble nouns. I don’t want any animal here. It doesn’t need any sugar. Negative statements with No With countable and non-countable nouns. Rose read no magazines Bob has no milk in the fridge. Answers with Any and No With countable and non-countable nouns in questions. Do you have a pen? No, I don’t have any pen. Does he need any money? No, he needs no money.
Let’s go to the Supermarket Wh/Yes-No Questions Answers to Wh/Yes-No Questions Dan: Good morning. How may I help you? Customer: Good morning, Dan. Are there any good prices on vegetable, legumes and fruits, this morning? Dan: Of course, mom. The best you can find. How many pineapples today? Customer: I want three pineapples, three mangoes and some raspberry. How much is the kilo of tomato? Clerk: $3.75. Oh there is also lettuce and carrot on sale. Would you like any? Customer: Yes, I’ll have some carrot, one lettuce , and do you have any squash? Clerk: Sorry, but there is no squash today. Customer: Ok. How much is it? Clerk: It’s $15.65. Customer: Here you are. Thanks. Yes, pretty much the cost value. I want two pineapples . The kilo of tomato is $3.75. Do you want any? Yes, I’ll have some, not too many, like ½ of a kilo, please.