Achieving Outcomes through Combining Approaches G. Clar, S. Hafner; H. Acheson Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum; Forfás Second International Seville Seminar on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA): Impacts on policy and decision making 28th- 29th September 2006
Clar: Combining Approaches European Challenges “Europe and its citizens should realise that their way of life is under threat.” GDP per capita Input/output relation, efficiency Competitiveness and Quality of Life in the EU (discrepancies!) Innovativeness in EU Investment in Research, Technology Development and Innovation (RTDI) - human and financial resources Mobility & adaptability, co-operation & structured communication Transition to knowledge-based society (beyond RTDI)
Clar: Combining Approaches Staying Competitive Support changes in Innovation Systems (IS): stimulate knowledge generation, diffusion, absorption new understanding of IS (actors, outreach, …) more multifaceted ‘innovation’ policy (trans-policy- fields, -sectoral, -governance levels, -national, …) Adapt Framework Conditions (soft and hard): competencies and values, entrepreneurship culture, technical standards, legal and work regulations, institutional & social capital, …. Use more Strategic Policy Intelligence (SPI) more intelligently: Strategic analyses of (trans-)national / regional / sectoral innovation systems and processes, benchmarking, policy monitoring & evaluation, Technology Foresight & Assessment, inclusive policy design
Clar: Combining Approaches Strategic Policy Intelligence (SPI) Formal Definition: the set of activities to search, process, diffuse & protect information in order to make it available to the right persons at the right time, so that they can take better decisions. Simplified: FTA + (Evaluation, Benchmarking, Innov-Audit etc)
Clar: Combining Approaches From Vision to Action to new Futures (S&T) Foresight Vision & Priorities Inn&Tech Assessment Ex-ante Evaluation Agenda Setting STI Roadmapping Detailing / Focusing Agendas Implementation/ Monitoring Results / Changes Strategic Evaluation, Benchmarking Recommendations
Clar: Combining Approaches SPI and Real Life Strategic policy intelligence Taking action NGO strategies Company strategies Science & innovation policies Lobbying Studies Historic Commitments & Budget Priorities etc
Clar: Combining Approaches SPI-Impact in Real Life: Baden-Wuerttemberg Starting point in the early 90s: Very successful scientifically and economically, but risk averse RTDI governance Strong S&T base for Biotech, but politically no-go area Task given to SPI team Develop implementable options for biotech-based jobs: politically feasible, financially viable, potential in world markets, thoroughly based on regional knowledge stock, integrated in regional institutional spectrum Based on Evaluation and Benchmarking results, implementation of a combined S&T Foresight, Technology and Concern Assessment approach Recommendations: complement institutional spectrum, refocus/complement R&I support programs, education at all levels, structured communication/awareness Situation today
Clar: Combining Approaches Strategic Policy Intelligence Tools For Better S&T Investment Strategies in Europe’s Regions
Clar: Combining Approaches RegStrat – a European Consortium
Clar: Combining Approaches RegStrat, Focusing on Regional Decision Makers At the intersection of policy research, FTA application and regional development Bringing together regional stakeholder networks, FTA practitioners, policy researchers Rationale: with improved decision base, and more innovative & less risky choices, regional actors more confident in investment decisions. oAllocate own public funds for RTDI-related or – relevant activities (S&T, HE, other policy fields) o Leverage RTDI investments from and in private sector o Attract resources from national and EU (Regional Development, Agriculture, Infrastructure etc) as well as from foreign direct investment budgets.
Clar: Combining Approaches RegStrat, building on European Knowledge Base Measures directly related to boosting RTDI in public and private sectors Methodologies aiming to strengthen the strategic capabilities of all actors in economy and society o ASTPP (Advanced S&T Policy Planning); EUROPOLIST o TAMI (Technology Assessment between method & Impact); EUROPTA o FOREN; Country Guides for Reg. Foresight; Blueprints for Foresight in Regions o FOMOFO; eFORESEE; FORETECH; …… o EFMN (European Foresight Monitoring Network); FORLEARN Online Guide; …
Clar: Combining Approaches RegStrat - building on ‘Regional’ Knowledge-Base Lifestyle Pure Patient NanoBio Connect Make Patient NanoElectronics Patient Make Pure NanoMaterials Ireland’s 1998 S&T Foresight, and 2005 evaluations 2006: NanoIreland
Clar: Combining Approaches RegStrat - contributing to Policy Fields of High EU Relevance Some examples: Regional actors’ contribution to Lisbon and Barcelona Goals Regional dimension of FP7 Strategic dimension of CIP Strategic dimension and RTDI investments of Structural Funds
Clar: Combining Approaches RegStrat, contributing to Policy Fields of High Regional Relevance In the participants’ remits: Estonia: Extremadura: Lower Silesia: Baden-Wuerttemberg/Lombardia: Ireland: Other examples?
Clar: Combining FTA-Approaches RegStrat – ongoing policy learning in practice If you are interested in active participation contact the team, e.g. Thank you for your attention!