Simple steps of using Google Earth to prepare Field Study report Objectives This simple guide uses Google Earth, the free version for students to organize and present their fieldwork data. To present the field study in a more dynamic way with the aid of Information Technology. Using Google Earth to attach photos, text, video links and web by inserting simple html codes.
Step 1 Download the free Google Earth version at
Step 2 Application of Google Earth and place marks When using Google Earth to view a location, several different icons across the landscape may be found. Each icon indicates a notable location and contains information about that location. By clicking on the icon, you will open a window that explains the location’s significance.
Step 3 Creating and editing place marks Open Google Earth Move and zoom in to (1) Hoi Ha Wan where you are going to add place marks. (2) Add a place mark by clicking on the Add Place mark icon on the Google Earth tool bar. (3) A pointer appears in the centre of your screen and drag to the correct location and move it to its location before inputting the Name of Place mark e.g. Checkpoint 1 (4) Type the description for that checkpoint.
(2) (4) (1) (3) Step 3 Watch a demonstration of how to add a placemark
Step 3 Press OK and click on the place mark and see the effect of information being shown in the bubble. If editing is needed, just right-click the place mark and choose Properties.
Step 4 Inserting photo into a place mark Upload the required photos onto the web space, e.g. Google mail and other online platform e.g. school web server. Copy the appropriate path and paste into Properties.
Step 4 In this example, Google Photos is used to upload the required photos. The path is URCWZKBlRec/TuVVjlL2UvI/AAAAAAAAAV8/1T4Uit9y4e0/h120/IMG_0504.JPG Go back to the properties of placemark of Checkpoint 1 in Google Earth. Key in the path with the following format: And paste the path within the quotes and press OK.
Step 4 Click the place mark again in Google Earth and you will see the online photo shown in the bubble. Watch a demonstration of how to add a photo into a place mark
Step 5 Add a video clip (1) In this example, upload the video clip from Youtube. (2) Click embed (3) The path is Go back to the properties of place mark of Checkpoint 2 in Google Earth. Paste the embedded codes into the properties of Checkpoint 2 place mark, press OK.
Step 5 (1) (3) (2) (1)
Step 5 Paste the embedded codes into the properties of Checkpoint 2 placemark, press OK. Click on the placemark in Google Earth and you will see the online movie shown in the bubble. Watch a demonstration of how to add a video clip into a place mark
Step 6 Add a hyperlink Key in the path with the following format: And paste the website URL and name of the URL within the quotes and press OK. In this example, the hyperlink used is and the name used of the URL is WWF virtual hoi ha wan field trip
Step 6 Click on the placemark in Google Earth and you will see the hyperlink shown in bubble. Click on the URL to be directed to a web site. Watch a demonstration of how to add a web link into a placemark
Remarks Repeat Step 2 – 6 and add other online photos, videos, URLs for each checkpoint at the appropriate position.
Step 7 Save your work Right click the folder heading in the “My Places” menu Select “Save as…” and choose a location for your file The folder will be saved in that location as a kmz file Watch a demonstration of how to save your work