Whether it’s cold or whether it’s hot, we shall have weather whether or not!
What is a weather map? A weather map indicates atmospheric conditions above the earth’s surface. Weather maps are used to forecast the weather.
Fronts Cold FrontWarm Front
Fronts A front is the boundary between two air masses, which cause stormy weather. A cold front forms when a cold air mass meets a warm air mass. The cold air moves under the warm air, pushing it up. As the warm air rises, clouds form and precipitation falls. Thunderstorms often strike along a cold front.
Warm fronts form as a warm air mass pushes into a cold air mass. The warm air slowly moves up over the cold air. Layers of gray clouds and steady precipitation are common along a warm front.
High and Low Pressure High Pressure An area of high pressure means dry, cool air. High pressure brings fair weather and light winds. High pressure is represented with a big blue H. Low Pressure An area of low pressure means warm, moist air. Low pressure brings stormy weather. Low pressure is represented with a big red L.
Weather Map Information
Analyzing Weather Data A meteorologist is a scientist who studies weather. Studying weather involves measuring conditions near Earth’s surface and high in the atmosphere. Meteorologist use the data they collect to identify the kinds of air masses over an area.
They also predict what kind of front will form and where that front will move. This type of information is used to produce a weather map. You can read weather maps in newspapers. A forecast is a prediction of what the weather will be for the particular day, week, or a longer period of time.
5 Day Weather Forecast
Look at the following weather map and make up questions to go along with the weather map. You will exchange questions with a partner and you will answer each other’s questions.
Example Questions for Weather Map What city did a cold front just pass through? Answer: Denver What state has the highest temperatures? Answer: New Mexico What states are experiencing areas of high pressure? Answer: Washington, Maine, and Arkansas