World History 2016 Final Exam Study Guide
What reasons would European countries/sometimes America have used to show they were right in taking over other countries as colonies?
They were morally obligated to save the subject people from themselves; people were not able to rule themselves effectively They wanted to help Christianize them To develop industry and help westernize them
Militiarism Nations involved in WWI focused their resources and finances on building their standing armies Nations began to develop their war arsenal and ammunitions Nations began to prepare for war by training troops
Alliances Countries began to focus on building alliances so that they could have protection or support in the event of a military crisis Austria-Hungary was backed by Germany; Serbia was backed by Russia
Imperialism Nations were in a stiff competition for colonies Many nations like Japan were in a crunch to find the natural resources they lacked and were looking to other nations to expand their economies Some nations were intimidated by their lack of colonies and were jealous of the wealth and power of larger empires like Great Britain
Nationalism Many nations were inspired or inspiring their subjects to support their cause or alliance leading up to World War I as a matter of patriotism. Nations used patriotism to inspire potential troops to join the military Nations used the patriotic spirit to justify spending on war
Treaty of Versailles put Germany in a desperate economic crisis due to the high reparations payments they owed Allied nations The inability of Germany to pay its reparations led to a world wide depression The Stock Market Crash of 1929 started a financial panic and led to the crashing of economies globally
World War II ended the rise of Germany but sparked tensions between the USA & USSR The world was divided into two blocs and were expected to chose sides The Cold War led to the space race, arms race, the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall, NATO, Warsaw Pact and eventually the end of the USSR The Cold War brought the world very close to nuclear war
Nationalism arose out of people feeling that the Parent Countries colonizing them did not respect or represent their beliefs and customs Many subject peoples who were western educated worked for independence or more freedoms Many subject people eventually would fight for their Parent Colony in WWII and believed they would be rewarded with independence. Many nations were granted independence after WWII because it was cheaper for the Parent Country.
Globalization is when corporations expand their business to other nations, trade is expanded to multiple nations around the world; companies move their service or a part of production to another country for cheaper costs. Globalization can provide for jobs in some countries but may decrease the amount of jobs in others. People now have access to much more goods globally and at cheaper costs.
Following World War II, there were major independence movements, as well as revolutions, to change the leadership of countries such as India, Vietnam, Cuba, China, and Ghana. Kwame Nkrumah said "This wind of change blowing through Africa… is a raging hurricane against which the old order cannot stand… Thus we have witnessed the greatest awakening ever seen on the earth of suppressed and exploited peoples against the powers that have kept them in subjection. This, without doubt, is the most significant happening of the twentieth century". At the same time in Cuba and China, Fidel Castro and Mao Zedong were leading revolutions to change their countries. Strong leaders shaped the movements for independence and change.
What is the question asking you to actually write about? nationalist movements after WWII you need to understand and explain what this means and why it was so present after world war II Internal factors do you know what that means and how that would impact nationalist movements after WWII? External factors do you know what that means and how that would impact nationalist movements after WWII?
Your introduction must be at least 5 sentences long and must contain a thesis statement. In your intro you should explain the main spirit of what you will be writing about. Give a brief explanation the impact on the world after World War II. Describe how nationalism was the reaction of people to World War II. Your thesis must be 3 prong & underlined ▪ Many nations sought to gain independence from their imperialist rulers after World War II due to the rise of nationalism brough about by internal and external factors.
nationalist movements after WWII you need to understand and explain what this means and why it was so present after world war II Think about historical information you have studied that would demonstrate how nationalist movements developed and became very strong after World War II Be prepared to explain why many subject people thought they should be granted independence after WWII
Internal factors do you know what that means and how that would impact nationalist movements after WWII? Explain what kind of internal factors would influence subject people to want to gain independence.
External factors do you know what that means and how that would impact nationalist movements after WWII? Explain how forces outside of the country, issues going on with the parent country for example would lead to subject people to calling for independence.
Your conclusion must be at maximum of 5 sentences. You must restate your thesis statement in a new way. You need to make sure that you summarize the main themes of your body paragraphs.