MADSEC June 22, 2016 Janice E. Breton State Director of Special Services
What Guides Us... –Improving outcomes for students with disabilities –Compliance monitoring as needed –Improving transition and timelines –Improvement in fiscal oversight –Providing technical assistance and professional development –Support for the field
Maine DOE Gets Evaluated Too... OSEP implements Results Driven Accountability Designations for support: universal, targeted, intensive Maine receives designations of: –Results (targeted) Participation (4 th and 8 th gr. reading, 8 th math) Performance on NAEP (4 th reading and math) Dropout rate
Evaluation continued –Compliance (targeted) Timely initial evaluation (83.24%) Secondary transition (63.36%) –Dispute Resolution (universal) –Fiscal (universal)
Improving Outcomes for SWD Math4ME –Lewiston, Auburn, RSU 52, Margaret Murphy Scope of project Scaling up over 5 years (2 additional regions) –PBIS UM, USM, UMF 25 schools per year for 5 years
Improving Transition and Timelines –Post-secondary transition FY improved to 88.96% 54.29% for FY14-15
Miscellaneous Other... County jails Dyslexia Alternate assessment will change – ESSA only 1% will be able to participate
Good News! ESSA –Certification problems –Your responsibility to check
Improvement in Fiscal Oversight Fiscal monitoring –MOE and EC MOE eligibility FY18 application MOE compliance FY 16 YE report EC assurance in application EC compliance in YE report –Risk assessment
Providing Technical Assistance and Professional Development Staffing Monitoring and support system redefined
Addressing Needs Maine Educational Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing –Regionalization (Hancock, Oxford and a new one in Rockland) –Collaboration with Morrison
More Initiatives RTI PostSecondary Transition Corrections including county jails
Update Specific learning disability Implemented - no Revised SLD form – no Resubmitting for upcoming legislative session
Disproportionality Using our current criteria = 0 districts have disproportionality Using OSEP’s proposed criteria = 74 districts would have disproportionality
Race/Ethnicity SpEd Identification % for Race/Ethnicity SpEd Identification % for All Other Races/Ethnicities Risk Ratio (Ident for Race/Ethnicity Divided by Ident for All Other Races/Ethnicities) American Indian or Alaska Native 25.42%16.69%1.52 Asian9.73%16.87%0.58 Black or African American 14.90%16.83%0.89 Hispanic/Latino18.56%16.73%1.11 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 10.00%16.77%0.60 Two or More Races17.71%16.74%1.06 White16.81%16.32%1.03 Statewide Risk for Specific Disability by Race/Ethnicity Grades K-12, Data Autism Race/Ethnicity Identification % for Race/Ethnicity Identification % for All Other Races/Ethnicities Risk Ratio (Ident for Race/Ethnicity Divided by Ident for All Other Races/Ethnicities) American Indian or Alaska Native 2.14%1.59%1.35 Asian1.05%1.60%0.66 Black or African American 1.21%1.60%0.76 Hispanic/Latino1.44%1.59%0.91 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1.05%1.59%0.66 Two or More Races1.83%1.59%1.15 White1.61%1.44%1.11 Statewide Risk for Special Ed Identification by Race/Ethnicity Grades K-12, Data
Intellectual Disability Emotional Disability Race/Ethnicity Identification % for Race/Ethnicity Identification % for All Other Races/Ethnicities Risk Ratio (Ident for Race/Ethnicity Divided by Ident for All Other Races/Ethnicities) American Indian or Alaska Native 3.37%1.22%2.76 Asian0.56%1.25%0.45 Black or African American 1.36%1.24%1.10 Hispanic/Latino1.28%1.24%1.03 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.53%1.24%0.42 Two or More Races1.48%1.24%1.20 White1.22%1.41%0.86 Race/Ethnicity Identification % for Race/Ethnicity Identification % for All Other Races/Ethnicities Risk Ratio (Ident for Race/Ethnicity Divided by Ident for All Other Races/Ethnicities) American Indian or Alaska Native 0.58%0.43%1.37 Asian0.11%0.43%0.26 Black or African American 0.51%0.43%1.21 Hispanic/Latino0.49%0.43%1.15 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.00%0.43%0.00 Two or More Races0.35%0.43%0.81 White0.43%0.42%1.03
Specific Learning Disability Other Health Impairment Race/Ethnicity Identification % for Race/Ethnicity Identification % for All Other Races/Ethnicities Risk Ratio (Ident for Race/Ethnicity Divided by Ident for All Other Races/Ethnicities) American Indian or Alaska Native 4.09%3.55%1.15 Asian1.38%3.58%0.39 Black or African American 3.25%3.56%0.91 Hispanic/Latino3.79%3.55%1.07 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 2.63%3.55%0.74 Two or More Races3.45%3.55%0.97 White3.59%3.19%1.13 Race/Ethnicity Identification % for Race/Ethnicity Identification % for All Other Races/Ethnicities Risk Ratio (Ident for Race/Ethnicity Divided by Ident for All Other Races/Ethnicities) American Indian or Alaska Native 7.72%5.16%1.50 Asian2.77%5.22%0.53 Black or African American 4.62%5.20%0.89 Hispanic/Latino6.21%5.16%1.20 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 2.11%5.18%0.41 Two or More Races4.76%5.19%0.92 White5.21%4.94%1.05
Speech/Language Impairment Race/Ethnicity Identification % for Race/Ethnicity Identification % for All Other Races/Ethnicities Risk Ratio (Ident for Race/Ethnicity Divided by Ident for All Other Races/Ethnicities) American Indian or Alaska Native 4.60%2.84%1.62 Asian2.40%2.86%0.84 Black or African American 1.98%2.88%0.69 Hispanic/Latino3.35%2.84%1.18 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 2.11%2.85%0.74 Two or More Races3.80%2.83%1.34 White2.85%2.93%0.97
Looking Ahead... Tiered monitoring and supports –Pilot cohort chosen in16-17 Results Based Accountability
Looking Ahead... Forms –Revisions effective 8/1/16 Speech/language eligibility form – major changes including required use of a matrix SLD (no) Parental consent form –revised language –Recorded webinar this summer –First Listen and Learn in fall
Advocacy Group Topics Transition planning at age 14 Discovering Personal Genius Guidance to the field on state wards/state agency clients and home SAU responsibility –Students receiving a diploma, needing 2 more years of community placement Data on restraint and seclusion Independent living evaluation
Due Process Lisa Whitis – coordinator and back up complaint investigator Kaitlyn Dyer – training to do office support Jon Braff – complaint investigator
Who’s Who at Maine DOE? Data and Finance Team Ted Fournier (Coordinator) –Shawn Collier (data) –Dawn Kliphan (contracts & invoices) –Sheryl Banden (office support) –New Ed Spec II
Who’s Who at Maine DOE? Special Purpose Private Schools and State Wards/State Agency Clients Jon Braff Team –Stacia Fowler –Kari Bickmore
Who’s Who at Maine DOE? School Monitoring –Roberta Lucas (Coordinator) Tammy Holmes Valerie Densmore Ed Spec II (vacant) Ed Spec III (vacant) Kaitlyn Dyer (office support)
Who’s Who at Maine DOE? Special Projects –Beth Lorigan (Coordinator) Jayne Chase - PBIS and Math4ME Lisa Whitis - dyslexia and due process Ed Spec II (vacant) Pat Neumeyer (office support)
Who’s Who at Maine DOE? Colene O’Neill (Director’s Assistant)