Arguments on the Existence of God
Questions of the Non-believers Who created God? Which came first the universe or God? Why do we need to say the universe needs a God? Why do we need a God if the universe has always existed? Maybe God is just the creation of man.
Why bother ask the question of the existence of God?
Someone fixed things “By far the most popular answer, and one that is enjoying significant support from many scientists themselves, is that the universe was designed by a supreme intelligence to make it possible for life to exist here. The logic underlying this conclusion is not difficult to follow. That the universe is arranged in a highly specific fashion to make it possible for life to exist is entailed in the very concept of a creator God. (Boa and Bowman)”
Video—BBC –Atmosphere-- (15 minutes) “ This is our planet the earth. It is unique in the solar system perhaps even in the universe.”
Discussion (5 minutes) What can you say about the uniqueness of our planet? What can you say about the fact that it was designed to sustain life?
Video—Larry King interview of Stephen Hawking (4 minutes)
Larry King: Do you believe in God? Stephen Hawking: God may exist, but science can explain the universe without the need for a creator. Larry King:...Why do you think people react to your contention that it is not necessary to invoke God to explain the creation of the universe? Stephen Hawking: Science is slowly answering the questions that use to be the province of religion.
Discussion: What do you have to say about the claim of Stephen Hawking that “science can explain the universe without a need for a creator?” What else is striking in the interview with Stephen Hawking?
“According to M-theory, ours is not the only universe. Instead, M-theory predicts that a great many universes were created out of nothing. Their creation does not require the intervention of some supernatural being or God.” (Hawking)
Video—Fr. Spitzer— The Universe can create itself out of nothing is self-refuting.
If Dr. Hawking does not believe that there is any reason to think that the universe had a beginning (from physics or philosophy), then why does he even bother to speculate about how the universe could spontaneously create itself from nothing? I am left to assume that Dr. Hawking does believe there are reasons for thinking the universe had a beginning – otherwise his contention about “the universe coming from nothing” makes no sense. Fr. Spitzer
Discussion What do you think about this statement of Fr. Spitzer? Do you agree? Why or why not? ◦ I am left to assume that Dr. Hawking does believe there are reasons for thinking the universe had a beginning – otherwise his contention about “the universe coming from nothing” makes no sense. Fr. Spitzer