01/05/2011Parent Information Evening Presentation1 1.Title Slide 2.Publication Method 3.Publication Purpose 4.Publication Impact 5.Group Discussion 6.Summary.


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Presentation transcript:

01/05/2011Parent Information Evening Presentation1 1.Title Slide 2.Publication Method 3.Publication Purpose 4.Publication Impact 5.Group Discussion 6.Summary

Publication Method The Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs (MCEECDYA) is responsible for the publication of the NAPLAN test results. The results are released in the form of three reports (ACARA, 2010.). These reports are:  Student Reports. The report contains a summary of the students results in the tested areas. The report also provide information on how students have performed in relation to other students in the same year group, against the national average and the national minimum standards  The Summary Report is released in September prior to the distribution of reports to parents. This report shows results at each year level and domain by state and territory and nationally  The National Report that includes detailed results by gender, Indigenous status, language background other than English status, parental occupation, parental education, and location (metropolitan, provincial, remote and very remote) at each year level and for each domain of the test. This report, which relies on more detailed analysis, is published at a later date 01/05/2011Parent Information Evening Presentation2

Publication Purpose 01/05/2011Parent Information Evening Presentation3 ACARA (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority ) have identified several key goals related to the publication of NAPLAN results (ACARA, 2010.). These key goals are:  Students and parents may use individual results to discuss achievements and progress with teachers  Teachers use results to help them better identify students who require greater challenges or additional support  Schools use results to identify strengths and weaknesses in teaching programs and to set goals in literacy and numeracy  School systems use results to review programs and support offered to Schools

Publication Impact The NAPLAN Testing System was introduced in Australia in 2008.Similar testing systems are utilised internationally, and have been for a significant period of time. Research on the publication and impacts of International testing systems is being used to review potential impacts that the publication of NAPLAN results will have on Children and Schools within Australia. The key potential impacts associated with the publication of the NAPLAN test results are (Parker. G., 2010.) :  Development review  Teaching support  Resource allocation  Narrowing of Curriculum  Distorted teaching practice  Increased social segregation 01/05/2011Parent Information Evening Presentation4

Group Discussion  Do not measure a child’s development progress on the NAPLAN results alone  Support and encourage children to develop in all taught subjects, not focusing on just the test subjects  Enlist teachers to the school who have the passion for and ability to create a positive, balanced learning environment, oppose to teachers who strive to achieve high test scores only  Work together to achieve a sense of pride, and high standing in our local community for our school, based on achievements in other areas and not our standing on the my school website 01/05/2011Parent Information Evening Presentation5

Summary 01/05/2011Parent Information Evening Presentation6 After taking into account the positive and negative impacts of publishing the NAPLAN results, on a child, educator or school it is hard to determine by fact, if there is a benefit in publishing the results, or if the results should be withheld. It has become clear however, that whilst the authority bodies continue to publish the results, there are several protocols that should be followed by parents, educators and schools to nullify the negative impacts. As an entire community, the understanding that the NAPLAN results are a narrow view on the education system is essential. If a child, educator or school is valued, or judged based upon the results of the NAPLAN test, negative impacts will occur.