A Career in Computers Mahaksh Patel
Is a Career in Computers For Me? The problem to be solved is “Is a Career in Computers for me?” This question is asking if an occupation the involves a lot of computer work is the right career for me. Some of these careers are programming, computer designing, computer animation and more. So using a problem solving method I will be able to answer that question.
Algorithm 1 Education Paths To get any job you must go through a lot of education. Different jobs require different amounts of education. The education required for a job can be a big factor in deciding whether you want a job or not. 80% of students change their career path at least once during their years in university. So knowing the education path for a career can be a deciding factor to answer the question ‘Is a career in computers right for me?’
How to Execute Algorithm 1 Education Paths There are many resources I can use to test this algorithm, one of the easiest and best ways to test this is through Career Cruising. With Career Cruising I can search many different occupations and see what education path I need to achieve it. It tells me many things like if I need to go to university or college or if I can just start after high school. It also tells me what courses I need to take in all four years of high school.
Algorithm 2 Interview An interview is a good way to answer the question because you get inside information on how it feels to have a job in a computer related career. You also get to figure out things like how it feels to sit at a computer all day and be stuck in a room for most of your day.
How to Execute Algorithm 2 Interview To test this algorithm I can ask my cousin, who is a programmer, how it feels to have a job in a computer related career. He can tell me everything that is good and everything that is bad so that I can come up with a good response to the question ‘Is a career in computers right for me?’
Algorithm 3 Take a quiz Nowadays on the internet there are many quizzes to tell you different things about yourself, some are pointless like knowing what Harry Potter house you would be in. But others are really useful and can tell you things like if you would enjoy a career in computers and what career it would be.
How to Execute Algorithm 3 Take a quiz To test this algorithm, I found a quiz online ( that can tell me what career suites me the most. Using this quiz I can find out what career suites me the best and in turn I can figure out if that quiz is a computer career or not.
Test the Best Algorithm Interview ProCon Easy access to the internet/information Easier to look at designs and layouts for buildings Fast and easy way to communicate with coworkers, using Get to be creative on what you program Eyes get sore after looking at the computer screen for too long Back hurts after sitting in a chair all day Stuck in an office all day, don’t get to move around much Sometimes it is hard to come up with new ideas Really frustrating when something messes up I decided that the best algorithm to test is the interview. This is because it gives you inside information on the job. And it gives you pros and cons, so you know both sides of the story. So I asked my cousin a few questions and these are some of the points I got.
Review Algorithm Ways I can improve upon this algorithm is by: Interviewing more than one person so I can get different perspectives on the topic Asking more questions so that I can get a large range of answers Asking deeper questions so that I get an in depth response
Final Answer After testing my algorithm I can finally decide whether a job in computers is for me In the end I decided that a career in computers is not right for me. One thing that caused me to make this decision is the fact that most people with these jobs sit in a chair all day in an office or a cubical. I don’t like this because I am very hyperactive and need to be moving around or doing something rather than sitting in a small space all day. Another thing that caused me to make this decision is that a lot of people who sit at a computer all day complain about their backs hurting and their eyes being sore. The last thing that caused me to make this decision is that programming jobs can cause you to get easily irritated or frustrated. So because of all these reasons and more, I have solved the problem: “Is a career in computers right for me?” “No”
References important-before-pursuing-it/ important-before-pursuing-it/