If you are thinking about sending a food parcel to your friends and loved ones who live far from you or want to send food gift parcels to celebrate a special occasion or to just show someone you care about them. Don’t worry you have landed on a right page. We have got some expert tips from one of the best shipping companies of Australia - WizMe. WizMe Loved ones who live far away from home always love receiving care parcel packages that include homemade food. You do not need to compromise with the happiness of your loved ones. Don’t think sending food parcels and surprise food gifts will be a tough task for you. Don’t worry, home-cooked meals or other prepared food like cookies, snacks, cakes and refrigerated foods can be shipped nationwide and internationally to your loved ones easily without compromising the food’s freshness and sanitation. Our tips will help you to ship perishable goods &temperature controlled items national wide and internationally and will ensure your perishable food packages arrive safely to their destination.
First have a quick look at the import regulations of perishable foods Before sending a food parcel national wide or internationally, you need to ensure that you know all import regulations regarding shipping food items. It is very necessary to check the shipping customs of each country where you want to ship. Australia, for instance, doesn’t allow the import of meat products that include dried, salted and smoked meats. You cannot send items such as seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables including foods such as granola with dried apricots. Australia also does not import dairy products and eggs. Even a cake that contains 10 percent or more of dried milk or powdered egg will be rejected for international shipping by the Australian shipping customs department. So it is important to keep all these regulations in mind before sending a food parcel for international shipping. If your food parcel seems to be fine for shipping, any good shipping company will ship your food parcel safely to your desired destination. When it comes to ship food items nationally you can ship anything you want, but not prohibited food items that including drugs and alcohol. You need to choose a fast shipping option For shipping perishable and temperature controlled items, you must look for the fastest shipping option. Perishable goods can mash up en route easily if not handle carefully, so it is important to select the best shipping company that provides the best packing and transportation services.
Choosing a fast shipping company is important to ensure the recipient of parcel post feels the love when he receives the parcel package, not the effect of food poisoning that may be caused by unhygienic and poor service from a low-quality shipping company.parcel post Let recipients know when to receive the parcel When you are shipping perishable food items let the recipients know when to receive the parcel, otherwise receiver may not able to enjoy the surprise of the food parcel since he or she may choose to open the parcel at a later date or time till when the food has become stale. Alert the recipient that the parcel is on the way and will arrive on a specific date so that he can be available to receive the parcel on time and consume it before it goes bad. Choose the right time to ship Choose the right time to ship perishables. It may be possible that your shipment will take a long time if you ship at the end of the week. So, try sending perishables early in the week.
Don’t send the parcel to an office unless it arrives on a work day and the recipient has access to refrigerator space at work. Article Resource: shipping-perishable-food-temperature-controlled-itemshttps://sites.google.com/site/expeditedshippingblog/tips-for- shipping-perishable-food-temperature-controlled-items