Fronts by Shiaira Bradley A Science PowerPoint Presentation
What are air masses? Air masses are huge bodies of air that have the same amount of pressure, temperature, and humidity. The different types of air masses are Maritime Tropical, Maritime Polar, Continental Tropical, and Continental Polar.
What are fronts? Fronts are the place where two air masses meet. The different types of fronts are cold, fronts, warm fronts, stationary fronts, and occluded fronts.
Cold fronts Cold fronts are cold air masses that overtake a warm air mass at a quick pace. If there is a lot of water vapor in the air, there may be a heavy rain or snowfall. However, if there is not as much water, it may cause as little as a cloudy
Warm fronts Warm fronts are warm air masses that overtake cold air masses moving at slow paces. When warm air fronts pass through an area, the weather is usually very hot and humid.
Stationary Fronts Stationary fronts are when cold and warm air masses meet but cannot move one another. In the area where the warm and cold air masses meet, the water vapor in the warm air becomes rain, snow, fog, or clouds.
Occluded Front Occluded fronts happen when a warm air mass is caught between a cold and cool air mass. As the warm air cools down, the weather may become cloudy, rainy, or snowy. Cool Air Mass Cold Air Mass Warm Air Mass
Fronts The blue triangles represent cold fronts, which is a fast-moving cold air mass overtaking a warm air mass that causes heavy rain or snowfalls or cloudy days. The red circles represent warm fronts, which is a warm air mass over taking a cold air mass. It causes hot, wet weather. The purple triangles and circles represent occluded fronts which is basically a warm air mass caged in between a warm air mass. This causes cloudy or rainy weather. The red circles and blue triangles represent stationary fronts which is a cold and warm air mass that meets but doesn’t touch. This can cause rain, snow, fog, or just plain, simple clouds.
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