Working with immigrant students: A matter of context Julian Jefferies Lisa Patel Stevens Boston College Julian Jefferies Lisa Patel Stevens Boston College
Case study Age History of immigration (when, status) Day to day life (school, work, home, activities) Language use Aspirations Age History of immigration (when, status) Day to day life (school, work, home, activities) Language use Aspirations
School History Size 15 teachers 175 students Role of Spanish Funding History Size 15 teachers 175 students Role of Spanish Funding
Length of time in the US
Languages spoken at home 60% - Spanish 11 % - English 10% - Cape Verdean or Haitian Creole 19% - Albanian, Arabic, Amharic, French, Folani, Greek, Gujarati, Madigon, Portuguese, Somali, Swahili 60% - Spanish 11 % - English 10% - Cape Verdean or Haitian Creole 19% - Albanian, Arabic, Amharic, French, Folani, Greek, Gujarati, Madigon, Portuguese, Somali, Swahili
Global context Globalization (Suarez-Orozco, 2001) Internationalization of goods, services, and consumption Emergence of borderless ICTs and texts Waves of migration across the world Increase in immigrant populations from 1990 to 2005 in two countries: Spain - 4 million United States million Globalization (Suarez-Orozco, 2001) Internationalization of goods, services, and consumption Emergence of borderless ICTs and texts Waves of migration across the world Increase in immigrant populations from 1990 to 2005 in two countries: Spain - 4 million United States million
Federal context Deportation and the law: context of triage McCain - Kennedy bill Dream Act Deportation and the law: context of triage McCain - Kennedy bill Dream Act
State context Immigration and politics Governor race addifferences.html addifferences.html Access to higher education Admissibility / Affordability Lack of information High stakes assessment MCAS - English and Math Restrictive langauge policy English only - question 2 Immigration and politics Governor race addifferences.html addifferences.html Access to higher education Admissibility / Affordability Lack of information High stakes assessment MCAS - English and Math Restrictive langauge policy English only - question 2
Research approach: Action/Participatory Professional development to teacher-initiated questions about language and literacy Partnering with the staff After-school tutoring and college visits Independent reading initiative Classroom-based research into academic English in multi-lingual contexts Case studies of teens’ out of school lives Professional development to teacher-initiated questions about language and literacy Partnering with the staff After-school tutoring and college visits Independent reading initiative Classroom-based research into academic English in multi-lingual contexts Case studies of teens’ out of school lives
Necessary knowledges for secondary content teachers in multilingual contexts Knowledge of the context (local, state, national, global) Knowledge of the student (language, culture, content) Knowledge of the content Knowledge of linguistic demands found in the content Knowledge of the context (local, state, national, global) Knowledge of the student (language, culture, content) Knowledge of the content Knowledge of linguistic demands found in the content
Use of L1 in this context Teacher/student interactions Teacher/class interactions Student/student conversations Teachers’ beliefs about how and when to use L1 Teacher/student interactions Teacher/class interactions Student/student conversations Teachers’ beliefs about how and when to use L1
L1 at the intersection of multilingual contexts and English-only policy Generative Moving content forward Development of academic English Shared cultural spaces of the classroom Difference between teachers who connect with students’ cultures and those who don’t What role does language have in connecting with students? Complications Students who are double linguistic minorities Generative Moving content forward Development of academic English Shared cultural spaces of the classroom Difference between teachers who connect with students’ cultures and those who don’t What role does language have in connecting with students? Complications Students who are double linguistic minorities
Education and immigrant students Pedagogy and curriculum must be considered within: Economic, legal and cultural complications of access to higher ed Social services (mental health, legal services, employment opportunities) Immigrant experience (xenophobia, loss of family, lack of capital) Pedagogy and curriculum must be considered within: Economic, legal and cultural complications of access to higher ed Social services (mental health, legal services, employment opportunities) Immigrant experience (xenophobia, loss of family, lack of capital)