Deportation By: Brandon Galeano Anastasia Allen Rebecca Estrella
What is Deportation? Deportation is the expulsion of an illegal immigrant/non-citizen from a country or place. The worldwide issue of deportation occurs throughout the US. You can get deported by violating a federal law or entering the US illegally and getting caught.
Pros of Deportation 1.Immigrants Don't Pay Taxes. They pay state tax, but not federal, which benefits the economy They get the benefits of living in America, without the cost social services spend a lot of funding on illegal immigrants 2. Population Imbalance People migrating to one country leads to crowding as opposed to deserting the other nation
Pros of Deportation (Cont'd) Implies an excessive use of resources of one nation, causing an imbalance in natural resources as well 3. Technological Costs Because there is a large pool of cheap, unskilled immigrant labor to draw on, it could lead employers to not adopt new technology
Cons of Deportation 1. Ruins the Child's Life Children of deportation face psychic scarring, reduced school attainment, social exclusion, and lower earnings Children are put in foster care or up for adoption, which is no better 2. Separates Families As U.S. deportations reach historic levels, more and more children are being separated from their parents
Cons of Deportation (Cont'd) Adds to more corrupt families in the US, and single parents struggling 3. Cheaper Work From Immigrants Immigrants works for lower undocumented wages Without them, a lot of business would close for lack of help, construction businesses and regular people appreciate cheaper work from immigrants, & the agricultural industry will collapse from less work
Financial Impact of Deportation Deporting all of the states undocumented immigrants would: Decrease total employment by 17.2 percent Eliminate 581,000 jobs for immigrant and natives alike Shrink the state economy by 48.8 billion Reduce state tax revenues by 10.1 percent