CFUN-2k Welcome Michael Smith President TeraTech, Inc ColdFusion, Database & VB custom development
Introduction Thank you! n Speakers n Organizers n Volunteers n Sponsors n And yourself!
Why is CF great? Is it because CF is: n Tag based n Separate files with hyperlinks n HTML by default n Extensible – CF and CFX tags n Standards: HTML, SQL What is missing here?…
Why is CF Great Really? n The CF Community! u CFUGs u Conferences u Speakers u Listserv – CF-talk u “Users helping Users”
CF Goodies… n Printed program n CD-ROM n Tag poster and chart n CFUG and CFUN surveys n T-Shirts – fill out form n Allaire DevCon mouse pad n Prizes – raffle tickets n Millionaire and Feud games
We are Guests of NIH… n No food or drink in auditorium n No smoking inside n Pick up litter n Don’t nap in hospital beds So we can come back next time! :-)
Thoughts for today… n Learn n Share n Have FUN!