Extemporaneous Speech Preparing with Less Preparation
Overview Extemporaneous Speech Scenarios Speech Patterns
Extemporaneous Speech Scenarios Interviews Sudden Speaking Engagements Sharing your Ideas to a Group Motivating People
Extemporaneous Speech Patterns BATNAD GRPSABC PPFSMG3P PREPPREM
Extemporaneous Speech Patterns B efore A fter T hen N ow
Extemporaneous Speech Patterns A dvantages D isadvantages A dvantages
Extemporaneous Speech Patterns P roblems S olutions
Extemporaneous Speech Patterns G oals R esults
Extemporaneous Speech Patterns A ttention B ody C onclusion
Extemporaneous Speech Patterns P ast P resent F uture
Extemporaneous Speech Patterns S tory M essage G ain
Extemporaneous Speech Patterns P oint 1 P oint 2 P oint 3
Extemporaneous Speech Patterns P osition R eason E xample P osition R eason E xample M essage
Extemporaneous Speech Patterns BATNAD GRPSABC PPFSMG3P PREPPREM