Anarchy vs control in Web site management Led by - Malcolm Raggett, SOAS Reporter – Miles Banbery, University of Kent
IWMW2000 – University of Bath Key factors What is the Web for? External Internal Fund raising Efficiency gaining No idea Whose responsibility is it? Enthusiast volunteer Group Paid profesional Co-ordinated teams Insitutionally co- ordinated teams Insitutional culture? Controlling/imposing Persuading/coercing Organised/anarchic Communicative Enterprising
IWMW2000 – University of Bath The management Still have non Web users in management Need to understand implications of different models “I don’t see a problem with our spinning logo – I think it looks good!”
IWMW2000 – University of Bath Professional issues Graphic design Interface issues – useability, accessibility Information management Technological know-how (databases, content management etc) W3C standards compliance
IWMW2000 – University of Bath Resourcing Systems that all can share Templates, database techniques Central data publishing Consistancy and use of central expertise should be more cost effective than duplication across departments (and don’t forget security)
IWMW2000 – University of Bath Departmental / faculty issues Need to know what institution expects and why Need to know what Web people are supposed to do and how well Need to know how long it takes and how much it really costs Nominate an expert, add to their offical job description and allocate sufficient resource.
IWMW2000 – University of Bath External drivers QA and accountability Recruitment HERO Litigious students, staff, partners Other websites (where people learn how to use the Web)
IWMW2000 – University of Bath How central teams can help Communication Mailing lists Web sites of how tos and how not tos Informing committees and steering groups Training and forums for departmental experts
IWMW2000 – University of Bath Recommendations Leaflet / magazine – “Issues in running an HE Web site” for management Your professional Web people should be doing …. Design/branding Revenue generating services Skills + departments needed for ideal collaboration Financial and other implications of model Intranet and efficiency gaining exercises Teaching quality enhancement