1 Marie-Pierre Bès Professor of economy at ISAE (Engineering School in Aeronautics and Space) University of Toulouse laboratoire LISST (CNRS and U. Toulouse II) Research topics focused on Socio-economics Accreditation to supervise research since Meeting in Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública, 7 May 2009.
2 Research topics and application areas Research topics : - Economy of knowledge and innovation - Knowledge Management - Sociology and economics of science - Economic Sociology - Sociology of Networks Application areas : - Space and aeronautical activities - Science and industry links - Public Health 2
3 LISST Presentation LISST = CERS + CIEU ( urban studies) + CA ( anthropology) - CERS : Sociology = Center about Study in Rationality and Knowledge, with 3 teams - Related to Association Française in Sociology, Association Internationale de Langue Française en Sociology, Sun Belt, International Network about N.A. (INSNA) - M-P. Bès & A. de Federico de la Rua : member of CERS and precisely a group specialized in social networks and knowledge with different subjects as networks about students, engineers, publications, job market, firm creation, etc. - Michel Grossetti, Head of CERS wants to create a Mediterranean South Belt about Network and RESTO 3
Research about Health at LISST - Group in LISST with interdisciplinary approach about the questions on Health - Team specialized in Sociology of Health managed by François Sicot (social problems and risks) Partners : - In Toulouse, Group which coordinates research on Health and Society = Institut Fédératif d’Etudes et de Recherches Interdisciplinaires Santé Société (CNRS, INSERM, Universities)
5 Ph D. Thesis Supervisor : J. Jimenez, the use in the new technologies of telecommunication and information for the diffusion in medical knowledge, U. Toulouse II (with A. Minda) : Yasmina Zniber, performance industrial indicators in environment, funded by ADEME and Airbus, U. Toulouse I (with R. Bastide) : Adrien Defossez, Networks on exchange about e-health, funded by Local Agency of Territorial Development (Technopole located in Castres, middle area near Toulouse), U. Toulouse II & ISIS ( Engineering School in Computer applied to Health located I Castres ) Waiting for financial decision 5
6 Tie with Jaime Jimenez-Pernett Master in Economics (Industrial Relations and Knowledge Economics) in 2004 about Impact NTIC on Growth (the case of Brazil): - Reading a lot of references about theory of development - test with several data obtained by himself Agreement to supervise (with another colleague at first) his PhD. Thesis about Health and Internet started in 2005 (stopped in 2006) Attempt to find an coherent field in Economics to understand the behaviors of individuals in the case of Health. Contact with the French Sociology of Health Discussion about 2 central notions : Virtual Community and Trust decision to put the thesis on the Economics of Institution. 6
7 The project about Networks about e-health The area of Castres (Hospital and pharma- firm) is designed as one of the National Experimental District about Health and precisely on Cancer Needs to develop several computer tools for patients (ISIS cooperation) Needs to understand the sociological reality about sources of information for patients : - Did they speak With family ? With doctors ? With friends ? - Did they read revues ? Which ones ? - Did they refer to web sites ? Internet list ? Which ones?
8 Ph. Thesis in Social Sciences Need to get a applied study conducted in collaboration with the Hospital at Castres to know the practices of exchange and information before implemented different e-tools. That implies an extended and complex study to : - Identify a significant panel of patients - Build a correct methodology for inquiry at the 2 levels of scale : institutions (hospital, sites, public agencies) and individuals (networks, informal groups, social circles, etc.) - Observe the change in time : 3 series of interview Project based on the idea to identify the isolation of patient with Network approach and to suggest actions.
9 Network analysis applied to Health Adrien Defossez conducted his Master Research with M-P. Bès about networks in Science (see later the results) in 2007 Transfer of the methods to the case of patients and questions about the network structure : - Are there some central or intermediary actors in e-health? - Are there structural holes in this Local area ? Which ones ? - Which social levels are pertinent for these questions ? = link with the questions asked by Jaime Jimenez
Publications in english M. Grossetti & M-P. Bès (2001), "Interacting individuals and organizations: a case study on cooperation between firms and research laboratories", in Kirman A. & Zimmermann J-B., Economics with heterogeneous interacting agents, Springer, p M-P. Bès, “The Division of Scientific Labour: the new Wealth of Nations?” in B. Laperche & Uzunidis (ed.), Genesis of Innovation: Systemic Linkages between Knowledge and Market, Elgar, M-P. Bès, A. Defossez & F. Rodriguez (a), “The French research system : which evolution and which borders?”, EAEPE Conference, Porto (Portugal) 1-3 november 2007.
Social Network Method Applications Science-industry networks Personal networks for people with gambling problems (UQAM University Montreal) Doctoral Student’s Networks for job searching