Airline Management (PLT 219) Airline Management (PLT 219) Staff Levels Presentation -Bilgehan Durmuş -Oğuzhan Doğru -S S002711
-Full Service Carrier -founded on 1 August international and domestic passenger and cargo services
- Headquartered in Shinagawa,Tokyo,Japan Size in ,082,302 passengers 222 aircrafts 13,523 employees Number of Employees per passengers:(13,523x10,000)/23,082,302=5.85 Number of Employees per aircraft:13,523/222=60
China's first and only low-cost airline founded in 2005
- Headquartered in Shanghai Size in ,602,564 passengers 46 aircrafts 1,263 employees Number of Employees per passengers:(1,263x10,000)/3,602,564=3.5 Number of Employees per aircraft:1,263/46=27
Comments We compared the two airlines which are FSC and LCC. We found some information about them in terms of their passengers, aircrafts and employees.Then,we calculated number of employees per passengers and number of employees per aircraft. We demonstrated them by giving some graphs. As a final, Full Service Airlines has more employees per passengers and per aircraft than Low Cost Airlines.
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