Canoe England North East Regional Development Team Meeting Tues 3 rd January 2015 Hetton Lyons Country Park to 21.00
Please introduce yourself and give any personal or club aspirations for 2015 (not recorded) Introductions
AGENDA Apologies Minutes of the last meeting Matters Arising British Canoeing Statistics RDT Vision 2020 Plan and Grant Application PDO Report Future Meetings Any Other Business
Lee Wilson Helen James John Dean Chris Scott Alastair Rowell Avril Crothers Apologies
AGENDA Apologies Minutes of the last meeting Matters Arising British Canoeing Statistics RDT Vision 2020 Plan and Grant Application PDO Report Future Meetings Any Other Business
Matters Arising Sport England Surf Bid – some work done, waiting to finalise Wansbeck before submitting a bid from RDT Minutes of the Last Meeting
Matters Arising Dangerous spots – no response from RDT members – shall we stop trying? Minutes of the Last Meeting
Matters Arising We’ve paid for Abbey Rapids – holding back on others until Alastair reports Minutes of the Last Meeting
Matters Arising Alastair set up meeting with owner at Finchale Campsite to discuss handrail – await report Minutes of the Last Meeting
Matters Arising Events – none of the organisers are asking for our help. Suggest we wait for request and help as we can at that point. Minutes of the Last Meeting
Matters Arising CR Forms – now possible!! Contact Coaching service for more details Minutes of the Last Meeting
AGENDA Apologies Minutes of the last meeting Matters Arising British Canoeing Statistics RDT Vision 2020 Plan and Grant Application PDO Report Future Meetings Any Other Business
Received statistical reports for the North East with 3 documents: Region Club Numbers With County Individual Members by Region with County and Age Coaches by region with County Also the same three documents for all the other regions. British Canoeing CDO Statistics
Each region has a none-region strand – I don’t understand what this is Categories of membership confusing, particularly with regard to “young person 14 to 25”, “youth 14 to25” and “adult 14 to25” Seems clubs allocated to county by address of Secretary not where the activity is – skews info “Currency” of coaches? Issues for clarification
Some levels of information relating to gender, ethnicity, disability and age would give a more useful tool The numbers of BCUAB Level 2s trained to compare to the number that have completed assessment? The numbers of people with MWE – in discussion at the RDT this is seen as the most important level of qualification to help the sport develop? Information we need
Members of clubsIndividual Coaches Cleveland Durham Northumberland Tyne & Wear Total1, Headlines
Club MembersIndividualCoaches Channel Isles Cumbria East Midlands Eastern London North East North West South East South West Southern West Midlands Yorkshire Total Comparisons
North East and Cumbria both have massively more coaches than members - should be impossible as all current coaches have to be current members!! North East is very small numbers compared to England total – 2% of club members, 2% of individual members, 4.3% of coaches Population of North East is approximately 4.9% of England, therefore North East low in proportion Obvious point
AGENDA Apologies Minutes of the last meeting Matters Arising British Canoeing Statistics RDT Vision 2020 Plan and Grant Application PDO Report Future Meetings Any Other Business
RDT Vision 2020 Plan and Grant Application We received an opportunity to bid for a British Canoeing grant To qualify for an award a committee must be able to: show evidence that they have invested funds in the development of the region in the last financial year have agreed a Development Plan with the local Canoeing Development Officer (CDO) completed the RDT Grant Application Form which has been signed off by the Committee Chair and Treasurer The decision on the status of the grant application will no longer be wholly dependent on the cash reserves held by the committee. The initial grant award will be no more than £1,000, but a centrally held fund will be available to committees to facilitate specific events or projects. These can be applied for separately. Applications can be made at any point during the financial year (which runs from 1 st Nov to 31 st Oct).
RDT Vision 2020 Plan and Grant Application All details that we have are on the website Anyone interested in bidding for this?
AGENDA Apologies Minutes of the last meeting Matters Arising British Canoeing Statistics RDT Vision 2020 Plan and Grant Application PDO Report Future Meetings Any Other Business
PDO Report
21 April 2015 RDT Meeting 30 June 2015 RDT Meeting 22 September 2015Annual Consultative Meeting – want ideas for “special meeting” 01 December 2015RDT Meeting Future Meetings
Any other Business