YOU AND A FRIEND HAVE JUST WATCHED A MOVIE. YOU ARE LEAVING THE CINEMA AND NOTICE A GROUP OF POPULAR KIDS FROM YOUR SCHOOL WHO ARE ALL SMOKING. YOU STOP TO TALK. YOU AND YOUR FRIEND ARE OFFERED CIGARETTES. The problem is that me and my friend are offered cigarettes. This could lead us to be addicted to cigarettes and have many health issues. Although it might not seem “cool” it’s a good idea to stay from tobacco. Two opportunities are available in this story. The first one is to say “sure” and have one. This would be due to peer pressure. The problem with this is that if you take it you are putting yourself at risk to all the dangers of smoking, and you are adding a way more intense pressure on your friend as well. The other choice is to say in a polite, respectful voice “no thank you, I don’t smoke”. The reasoning for this is, you are avoiding the risks and health hazards of Tabaco, you are setting an example for your friend, and you are respectfully declining meaning the people are more likely to leave it at that, and not continue to pressure you. I would take the second choice. When you think about it in the long term, the worse that could happen is you lose a little bit of “popularity”. Worst case scenario for the second choice is you get addicted (nicotine) and get some of the many health hazards tobacco cause, like cancer, and eventually an early death.
YOU ARE 13 YEARS OLD, AND REALLY LIKE THIS GUY/GIRL WHO IS SEVERAL YEARS OLDER THAN YOU. YOU THINK HE'S PROBABLY NOT INTERESTED IN YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE JUST A KID. YOU NOTICE THAT HE/SHE SMOKES AND WONDER IF HE'D THINK YOU WERE OLDER IF HE/SHE SAW YOU SMOKING TOO. The problem here is a kind of peer pressure. You think you need to look older and smoking will help you. In a way, it probably could. But this is no excuse to try tobacco. The two oppurtunities of this story is, one. You get cigarettes and have a smoke in a place where the girl can see you/with the girl. This would be an attempt to look “cooler” and older, to try and attract the girl. Your hormones are a very powerful thing. They can influence the body and mind in many different ways. But this does not always there right. Sometimes you have to think about the consequences of your actions. Smoking is just too dangerous and no matter what, it’s not worth it. The second choice is too talk to him/her and try and make him interested through your personality. If it turns out he realizes you’re older then great. If he thinks you’re too young, then you probably are. Then it’s wise to move on. Besides it wouldn’t be nice having a boyfriend/girlfriend who smokes, as second hand smoking is not good for you. Obviously I would choose the second choice as I know it is the right one.
CASE STUDY 11 (ALCOHOL) YOU OFTEN DO YOUR HOMEWORK WITH A FEW CLASSMATES AT A FRIEND’S HOUSE AFTER SCHOOL. TODAY, YOU ARE ALL STUDYING FOR A REALLY BIG TEST. ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS HAS BROUGHT SOME BEER (OR OTHER KIND OF ALCOHOL) AND TELLS YOU THAT YOU WILL BE MORE RELAXED AND WILL FEEL LESS STRESSED IF YOU DRINK. The problem here is underage drinking. The options you have is say no, and be loyal to that answer, no matter the peer pressure. Or have a beer. In my opinion underage drinking isn’t nearly as bad as drugs and tobacco. But if you abuse alcohol then it is just as dangerous. In all honesty I would probably have some of the beer. There aren’t very many risks with having a bit of beer. Of course the consequences would be bad if my parents found out, and of course it’s illegal. This would make me hesitant and I would rethink my decision. Overall the two choices in my perspective aren’t going to affect my life that much. I am still unsure of what I would choose.
CASE STUDY 9 (ALCOHOL) A FEW OF YOUR FRIENDS OFTEN PITCH-IN TOGETHER TO BUY A PACK OF BEER. TODAY, THEY WANT YOU TO KICK IN SOME MONEY TO HELP BUY THAT PACK. YOU DON’T DRINK AND FEEL IT'S UNFAIR THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE TO PITCH-IN FOR THEIR BOOZE. BESIDES, YOU HAVE BEEN TRYING TO SAVE YOUR MONEY TO BUY A REALLY COOL SNOWBOARD. THEY START ACCUSING YOU OF BEING CHEAP AND TELL YOU TO GET LOST IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE PART OF THE GROUP. The problem is peer pressure and underage drinking There are two choices you can take. The first one is to just pitch in and accept it. This doesn’t seem fair at all. You don’t want to be a part of the alcohol drinking so you shouldn’t have to pay for it. If your friends are peer pressuring you like that, then there not really your friends. This leads me to the second choice. Realize that true friends wouldn’t do that, and tell them this. This could lead to an apology…or not. If they don’t apologize and say get lost. Then find other friends. This will be hard to do. But in the end it’s the better choice. My decision would be choice two.
YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS ARE HAVING FUN PLAYING BASKETBALL. ANOTHER FRIEND ARRIVES A LITTLE LATER AND STARTS TALKING TO TWO OF THE OTHER FRIENDS. THE THREE OF THEM MOTION TO THE REST OF THE GROUP TO JOIN THEM OFF TO THE SIDE. THEY LIGHT A MARIJUANA CIGARETTE AND PASS IT AROUND. THE CIGARETTE COMES TO YOU. The problem here is peer pressure, and cannabis is illegal in Canada. The options are, join in, or don’t. Joining in might make you think that you are cool. But in reality Marijuana is a mind altering drug. It can be very dangerous, and you can get addicted to it. If there really your friends then they wouldn’t mind. If you don’t join in I would say, no thanks. Or just pass it along. I wouldn’t stop hanging out with them, unless they were hooked on it and the majority of the time they were high. I would also stop hanging out with them if they insulted me for not having any. Its’ my choice and if they were my friends they would respect that. My choice would be option 2.
THANKS For listening