Five Generations of Hydrogen Buses at SunLine H2 Blend & H2 Bus Demonstrations Advanced Transportation Technologies Clean Transportation Solutions SM National Hydrogen Association Lawrence Wnuk PhD Senior Director, WestStart-CALSTART San Antonio, TX March 20, 2007
SunLine Transit Agency Serves California’s Coachella Valley Desert Hot Springs, Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Indian Wells, La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella Area > 1,100 sq mi 48 buses 23 vans & shuttles SunLine has been operating its entire fleet and support vehicles on CNG since May 1994. SunLine has remained fully committed to operating its fleet on alternative fuels and continues that commitment to this day with CNG and hydrogen-fueled transit buses. The importance of the demonstration of hydrogen-fueled fuel cell and internal combustion engines is to further the development and create enough hydrogen demand to make onsite production of hydrogen cost-effective. The fuel cell technology produces only emissions of water and a small amount of waste hydrogen. The use of hydrogen in internal combustion engines significantly reduces oxides of nitrogen emissions when used alone, as in the case of the HHICE bus and when used as a blend with CNG. Infrastructure and Facilities Fueling facilities at SunLine include private and public access for CNG, liquefied natural gas (LNG), compressed hydrogen, and a blend of hydrogen and CNG. SunLine has hydrogen production on site from a HyRadix natural gas reformer. When SunLine first began testing SunLine Routes – SunLine operates 12 fixed routes in the Coachella Valley along State Highway 111 and Interstate 10. Bus service averages 13.4 mph during the week and 12.7 mph on the weekend to give a weekly average of 13.2 mph. The fuel cell bus has been used on Line 50 and Line 111. The HHICE bus has been used almost exclusively on Line 50. The CNG buses in this evaluation have been used randomly on all routes/lines from the Thousand Palms operation. SunLine is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) created by its nine member cities as well as the county (Riverside). Each member city and the county have an appointed member on the SunLine board. 320,000 residents 4,000,000 tourists
Hydrogen and SunLine Transit Vision: Alternative Fuels as Bridge to Hydrogen 1992 SunLine Board seeking to preserve Air Quality in Coachella Valley Votes to transition Fleet to alternative fuels 1994 Alternative Fuels Full CNG Fleet Air Quality Benefits Bridge to Hydrogen 2000 On-Site H2 H2 Blend (Hythane®) Step to Future Zero Emission Fleet File: 2001 Oct 30535ah.pdf “SunLine Transit Agency: Hydrogen Commercialization for the 21st Century”, William L. Clapper, Jr.: SunLine Transit Agency – Created 10/9/2001 File: 20030201 SunLine Transit Agency – Hythane hydrogen Bus Experience.pdf SunLine Transit Agency “SunLine Transit Agency Hythane®--Hydrogen Bus Experience Presented to Natural Gas Vehicle Technology Forum Dallas, Texas, January, 2003
Hythane® Bus Program 2000 Two Hythane® fueled buses in revenue service Hythane® Blend - 20% H2 & 80% NG (Volume) Program Results No engine issues Fuel consumption equivalent to CNG Improved engine & throttle response 45% less NOx Hythane® fuel cost ~ a 20% premium over CNG File: 2003 May 65_sunline_john_williams.pdf SunLine Transit Agency Department of Energy Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Berkeley, California May 19-22, 2003 NOx (50%+ on newer engine platforms) Justification for the development of a hydrogen infrastructure at transit facilities HCNG can be a bridge to hydrogen! Hythane®fuel cost represents a 20% premium over CNG (CNG at $1.50 per gge and hydrogen at $3 per gge)
Early Results of Hydrogen Enrichment Service Testing CNG Engine Conversions – Positive Results CNG engines run very well on HCNG blends consisting of 20% hydrogen with changes limited to engine calibration HCNG blend engines provide a demand for hydrogen Internal combustion engines may provide a platform for 100% hydrogen use Internal combustion engines on Hydrogen Blends HCNG and hydrogen fueled ICE hybrids may provide a bridge to fuel cell technology There is a need for a consensus on comprehensive R&D on HCNG and H2 ICE hybrids Can justify the development of a hydrogen infrastructure, and test various technologies Provides emissions benefits – SI lean burn engines can be calibrated for 50% lower NOx with only 20%vol Reference file: 2003 May 65_sunline_john_williams.pdf
EXCELLSiS (Ballard) Zero Emission ZEBus August 2000 First Zero Emission Bus 13 month Demo Program Accumulated 14,900 miles (24,000 km ) Total FC run time 865 hours FC Engine – 205 kW, direct electric drive H2 Storage – 3,600 psig, 41.3 kg Battery pack – none and no regenerative braking Fuel Economy – 4.96 miles/kg average Range – 225 miles, estimated
Thor/ISE 30’ FC Hybrid Nov 2002 to Feb 2003 Accumulated 8,800 miles First Fuel Cell Hybrid Bus Accumulated 8,800 miles (14,000 km ) Total FC run time 640 hrs FC – 60 kW, Hybrid-Drive H2 Storage – 3,600 psig, 25 kg Battery pack – 48 12 VDC PbA, regenerative braking Fuel Economy – 5.92 miles/kg average Range – 175 to 200 miles
SunLine CWI Engine - HCNG Demo Cummins-Westport Innovations July 2003 Delivered engine Accumulated 65,000 miles 2 HCNG buses CWI 230HP, 500 lb-ft 5.9L SI lean-burn B Gas Plus Modified for HCNG fuel Fuel blend 20% H2/ 80% CNG Match NG ICE performance Transient emissions testing NOx & NMHC reduced ~50% CO2 reduced by 7%.
Hybrid H2 Internal Combustion Engine (HHICE) Bus Dec 2004 to Present First HICE Hybrid Bus Accumulated miles > 50,000 miles (80,000 km ) Ford 6.8 L V10 ICE, 190 hp ISE/Siemens Hybrid-Drive H2 Storage – 5,000 psig, 58 kg Energy Storage – Maxwell ultracapacitors, two packs, total energy stored is 0.6 kWh max Fuel Economy – 4.29 miles/kg average Canadian winter test, emissions testing Range – 220-250 miles Purchased for $1.2 million, the HHICE bus from New Flyer has essentially the same electric hybrid drive system from ISE Corp., but with ultracapacitors for energy storage and a Ford V10 Triton engine customized to operate on hydrogen fuel. Specific Experience HHICE Bus – This bus is currently a one-of-a-kind application. It was developed in 2004 and delivered to SunLine for operation in December 2004. The HHICE bus did not stay long at SunLine before it was shipped to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada for winter/cold weather testing. The HHICE bus was away from SunLine from approximately January 16, 2005 through April 20, 2005 before resuming operation at SunLine in May 2005. The bus was test-driven in Canada during February and March 2005 on a regular Winnipeg Transit route. In later operation at SunLine, the HHICE bus engine experienced significant failure of components during October and November 2005. This failure was caused by an incorrectly installed crankshaft damper. A new engine was installed into the HHICE bus in December 2005. The bus resumed revenue service later that month. The evaluation results presented in this report are focused on the operation of the newer engine.
Commercialization of Fuel Cells for Public Transit SunLine collaboration with AC Transit UTC-ISE-Van Hool Fuel Cell bus Dec 2005 placed most advanced Fuel Cell Bus in daily service Rigorous operations providing data to UTC Power to develop the Next Generation hi reliability fuel cell for public transit
Van Hool FC Bus at SunLine Accumulated >30,000 miles (48,000 km ) on vehicle to date UTC FC – 120 kW PureMotion™ Hybrid-Drive – ISE System H2 Storage – 5,000 psig, 50 kg Battery pack – ZEBRA® 53 kWh, regenerative braking Fuel Economy – 7.33 miles/kg average @ SunLine Range – 300 to 350 miles Purchased for $3.1 million and manufactured by Van Hool and ISE Corp., the fuel cell bus features an electric hybrid drive system with a UTC Power PureMotionTM 120 Fuel Cell Power System and ZEBRA batteries for energy storage. Purchased for $1.2 million,
Thor/ISE FC Hybrid Upgrade Upgrade Plans Replace fuel cell with a new design 75 kW Ballard with extended warranty (12,000 hours or 5 years) Li-ion battery pack to replace PbA pack 5000 psi hydrogen storage system to replace 3,600 psi Rapid Upgrade Place in Revenue Service After initial verification tests
American Fuel Cell Bus (AFCB) Program FTA NFCBP Award Development New purpose design fuel cell bus North American chassis Lightweight bus body/chassis design for H2 fuel components U.S. sourced drive components Latest-generation U.S. sourced fuel cell New power electronics and advanced energy storage Unique hi-efficiency accessory electronics Vehicle demo in a very hot climate Partners - SunLine, ISE, New Flyer, UTC Power Latest generation New Flyer 40-foot bus design. Full Size Fuel Cell Hybrid Drive System
Summary Overview of Hydrogen Bus Generations 02 04 06 08 10 94 96 98 00 American Fuel Cell Bus XCELLSiS FC ZEbus CWI HCNG Hythane® Buses Thor/ISE FC Hybrid Bus Upgrade Van Hool FC Hybrid Bus Thor/ISE FC Hybrid Bus ISE H2 ICE Hybrid-Electric Bus SunLine All CNG Fleet
Trends in ZEB Technology at SunLine – Paths Forward Steady growth shown in Fuel economy, efficiency, reduced emissions On-board H2 storage, vehicle range Durability, reliability of systems Reduced size, weight Improving warranty period More in-service time Clean Transportation Solutions SM Advanced Transportation Technologies SM