Wait, so I can learn to become a BOSS Teacher too?
BOSS teaching Prepare the students: “Boys and girls, who can tell me what it means to be cooperative and polite?” “That’s what I am going to be looking for. We will call them CPBs for short. When I have an opportunity, I will let you know about your CPBs. Who can show me?”
BOSS steps Level 1 1. acknowledge and praise target behaviors [“those are great CPBs by....”] all throughout the day 2. ignore nuisance behavior – do not say anything! 3. Use the BOSS two-step to combine 1 and 2 when CPBs are not evident 4. eliminate CARs and other intended punishers – they don’t work for you!
BOSS Level 2 [1] continue Level 1 Stop here for secondary teachers that see students only by period [but add something like the ‘autograph board.’ [2] After weeks, state at middle or end of day]: “Who can tell me how they showed CPBs today?” Begins horizontal strength by making your students consumers of process
BOSS Level 2 [3] Continue 1, 2. After 1-2 weeks the middle or end of day [period] state: “Who can tell me how someone else showed CPBs today?” [4]: Continue 1, 2, 3 and add: [or collapse 2 and 3 into 4] ”Boys and girls, when you see someone else showing CPBs, don’t wait for me to ask. You tell them right away about their CPBs!” Steps 2-4 build the classroom culture [or positive peer pressure] [You will be teaching assertiveness and cognitive activity here] [Also creating very strong external validity]
Directions for becoming a BOSS teacher – if you want to get it, you must teach it! 1. Point out what you want to get [i.e. desirable behaviors] via verbal feedback [reinforcers] 2. Punctuate [!!!] especially desirable behaviors and instances of compliance 3. The ratio of language must be at least 25% BOSS related: 75% instruction 4. Incorporate action [versus passive participation] 5. Remember: paying attention to inappropriate behavior is REINFORCING that behavior! Do not violate the “rule of f”
What does the BOSS teacher say? What are we working on? I’m watching for CPBs You are showing excellent CPBs by... Who else can show me? You ignore Billy until he demonstrates CPBs. Then you say what? Everybody please stop what you’re doing. I want to you to see what just happened!!! (punctuate)
Inap beh desirable What the BOSS teacher does: This is the proactive aspect of BOSS which pays attention to “what you want, and ignores what you don’t want.” desirableInap beh IGNORE Reinforce!
BOSS Research Results -BOSS strategy increases instructional time because it is a proactive behavior management procedure [i.e. ongoing process] -BOSS strategy increases positive social skills while dramatically decreasing conduct problems [including reducing bully behavior] -BOSS strategy increases achievement -BOSS strategy is far more easily implemented than using a cookbook of punishment-based or other ‘manual-bound’ strategies -BOSS strategy dramatically increases student motivation and positive outlook on learning -BOSS strategy improves teacher morale and reduces “burnout” -BOSS strategy shows generalization effects to other settings [i.e. improvement in social skills and conduct seen in other settings] BOSS strategy involves virtually 100% of students BOSS enhances language development by building BOSS –related self-talk
How BOSS is different and integrates all aspects of major human functioning Learning theory: provide rehearsal and feedback Child Development: generate folders and keep them open [BOSS folder for expected behaviors] Motivation: focus on R+, ignore unwanted behavior Interpersonal psychology: focus on the ego, identity, and positive affirmation Social skills training: generalize all prosocial behaviors from “cooperative and polite” Community: builds culture in the classroom of expected behaviors which operates on its own