Analysing Sexual Health Data in the South East Briony Tatem, South East Public Health Observatory Dr Jackie Cassell, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Epidemiology
STIs: The Swiss cheese of public health information?
The things we can easily measure Fertility rates Data from Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics Waiting times Conceptions (up to a point) Laboratory data Attitudes
National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (NATSAL) MalesFemales heterosexual &/or homosexual partners, past 5 years 4.5%7.6%4.2%7.2% Never used a condom 14.3%10.4%21.2%12.0% First heterosexual intercourse before %29.0%12.7%26.0% Ever attended a sexual health clinic 10.6%13.9%7.1%15.3% Results for the South East
Crude rate per 100,000 people who attended a GUM clinic in England and the South East by age group 2005 Source: Health Protection Agency
Hepatitis in the South East 2003 Data SourceHep AHep BHep C Notification of Infectious Disease (NOIDS) Laboratory reports Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)
But less straightforward are… High risk populations for poor sexual health The relation between inequalities and sexual health Primary care sexual health data Hospital admissions
Hospital admissions for ectopic pregnancy in the South East – 2002/2003 to 2004/2005 pooled Source: Hospital Episode Statistics
High risk populations At risk groupSexual health problem Men who have sex with men HIV infection, hepatitis B & C, gonorrhoea, syphilis Those who travel for leisure and work HIV and other STIs Sex workers and their clients Often high rates of STIs and drug use Traveller populations Very high rate of maternal mortality, high infant mortality
Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) and Age Specific Fertility Rate of females, 2004 Source: Index of Multiple Deprivation 2004, Health and Social Care Information Centre Females aged 19 and under Females aged 40 and over
STIs: Comparing diagnosed incidence in general practice with GUM clinics Men Women Estimated for general practice GUM clinic KC60 data Incidence per 100,000 patients
STIs: The cheddar cheese of the future?
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