Functions, Quality and Selection
People enjoy its beauty Positive effects on the environment. Athletes like the surface it provides on playing fields. Turf appreciates property value when maintained. The three purposes and functions of turf: Utility Ornamental Sports
The utility functions of turf are how it helps the environment. Utility turf has many functions. Stabilizes the soil and reduces erosion. Cooling effect on the environment in hot weather. Helps clean the air by removing toxic emissions.
Enhances areas around homes, businesses and in parks. Form of decoration. Brings beauty to areas that might otherwise be unattractive.
All types of playing fields. Surface reduces injuries to players Surface can be specially groomed to provide the area needed for different sports. A lot of research has been done to improve turfgrass for sports fields. Technology has been established to help maintain turf for sports fields.
Turf quality is the excellence of the turf It is closely related to the function of turf Turf quality is based on utility, appearance and playability.
Visual turf inspection is often used to assess quality. There are six common visual factors used to assess quality. Density, texture, uniformity, color, growth habit, and smoothness.
The number of aerial shoots per unit area. How many blades (leaves) are present.
The width of the leaf blades. Wide blades form turf with a coarse texture. Narrow blades produce a fine texture.
The evenness and distribution of the turf on site. Involves the mass of aerial shoots that form the visible surface. Gives the surface a smooth, even appearance.
Most turf should be a rich green color. Different species are different colors.
The type of shoot growth Bunch growth Horizontal growth patterns
Surface feature that affects visual quality and playability. Preparation of the soil prior to planting turf is important in smoothness.
Functional turf quality is how well a turf achieves its purpose. Functional factors in turf quality. Rigidity, elasticity, resiliency, ball roll, traction, yield, rooting and recuperative potential.
Involves the resistance of turf leaves to compression. Related to wear resistance. Influenced by plant tissue, water content, temperature, plant size and density.
The tendency of leaves to bounce back once a compressing force is removed. The capacity of a turf to absorb shock without altering surface characteristics. Growth medium is a factor.
The average distance a ball travels upon being released on a turf surface. Mechanical devices are used may be used to release a ball at a consistent speed to obtain measurements.
Indicates the positive planting of feet and positive movement which is unhindered by the turf or soil surface. The better the traction the more the turf and soil hold firm to this movement.
Measure of clippings removed with mowing. Indication of turfgrass growth as influenced by fertilization, irrigation and other cultural and natural environmental factors.
The amount of root growth evident at any one time in the growing season. Estimated visually by extracting a turf core with a soil probe or knife. Soil is worked free or washed away to expose the roots.
The capacity of the turfgrass to recover from damage caused by: Disease organisms, insects, vehicular and pedestrian traffic, flooding, spills and scalping.
A good turf begins with selecting the right turfgrass. Climate, use, maintenance needs and characteristics of southern and northern turfgrasses are important in selecting the kind to grow.
Turfgrasses are place in two groups. These groups are based on the ability of a species to grow and serve a useful purpose in the climate. Southern- Warm Season Turfgrass grows best at 80 to 95 degrees F. Northern- Cool Season Turfgrass grows best at 60 to 75 degrees F. Both Warm and Cool season turfgrasses can go into dormancy when exposed to extreme weather conditions
It is important to grow the correct type of turfgrass for your region. Those in a transition zone (area between climate zones) need be cautious when selecting a turf grass. Tall fescue and ryegrasses are popular turf for the transition zone.
The family of grasses is Gramineae or Poaceae. There are 7,500 species. Fewer than 50 are planted as turfgrasses throughout the world. Cultivars are named after people, places, use, plant characteristics, or any combination.
Buffalograss Kentucky Bluegrass Centipedgrass St. Augustinegrass Bermudagrass
Native grass Requires little fertilization and water Less than 40 inches of annual rainfall Very drought tolerant Grows well in Texas Hill Country Fine leaf texture
Cool Season Turfgrass Needs 70 inches of annual rainfall Grows well in Texas Panhandle
Well adapted to acidic, sandy soils in East Texas Requires little maintenance if it gets 40 inches or more annual rainfall Coarse leaf texture
Native to Texas Gulf Coast Very shade tolerant Grows well in South Texas Requires 40+ inches annual rainfall Needs little mowing Course leaf texture
Warm season Best grass for sports fields (high traffic tolerance) It is not ideal for lawns because it is very invasive More cold tolerant than St. Augustinegrass Fine leaf texture