The French Revolution  1789. I. Revolutionary Ideas -Ideological Foundation for Political Liberalism-


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Presentation transcript:

The French Revolution  1789

I. Revolutionary Ideas -Ideological Foundation for Political Liberalism-

A. Liberty  The notion of individual human rights  A new type of government in which the people are sovereign  The importance of a representative assembly  The importance of a written constitution  The notion of self- determination  Freedom to accumulate property

Causes of French Revolution  Ideas of liberty and equality from the American Revolution (note: Constitution was signed 2 yrs before in 1787)  Enlightenment ideas of John Locke

Causes of French Revolution  Vast majority of people were broke and hungry.  Vast majority were in the lowest estate

Equality  Equality of rights and civil liberties  Equality before the law  No special privileges for the rich  Equality of opportunity  “Careers Open to Talent”  Inherent tension between liberty and equality

“The Atlantic Revolution”  French Revolution was a part of a whole series of revolutions which took place during the late 18 th century --Political agitation in England, Ireland, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Poland and the American colonies  One big movement of revolutionary agitation

The French Revolution  More fundamental and profound consequences than the American Revolution  France = most powerful and populous state in Europe  Massive social revolution  Worldwide impact  Becomes model for future revolutions

The Events of the French Revolution

A. Origins  Began as a revolt of the aristocracy  Attempt to capitalize on the financial woes of the monarchy  Only solution = tax reform and a direct tax on all property  Aristocracy refused and forces the issue

Revolution - beginnings  Although people were starving and the country was broke, the royal family flaunted their wealth and uncaring.

B. The Estates-General  An old feudal assembly that had not met since 1614  Three Estates: Clergy, Nobility, All Others  The significance of the voting procedure  The miscalculation and lack of social awareness of the aristocracy

Bread riots  People were hungry; the country was broke.  This picture is from an all- woman bread riot.

C. The Third Estate  Who were they?  Third Estate was dominated by the middle class  Blending of aristocratic and bourgeois classes by 1789  Middle class = Big Winners  Revolutionary goals of the middle class

D. An Agenda of Classical Liberalism  Representative government did not mean democracy or “mob rule”  Estates-General became the National Assembly in June of 1789 with the power to frame a constitution --Tennis Court Oath

King Louis XVI  His grandfather Louis XIV was the ultimate “absolutist” king.  This king was weak  He had so little control, he called for the French congress to fix some problems

E. “Revolutionaries in the Streets”  Who were they?  “Sans-culottes” (without knee britches)  Picked up the ideas and slogans of the Revolution from the more educated leadership of lawyers and journalists

What were the Motivations of these Revolutionaries?  Poverty and Hunger  Low wages and fear of unemployment  Strong dislike for and distrust of the wealthy  The role of conspiracy

F. Storming the Bastille  Events of the night of July 13, 1789  Reasons for the attack on the Bastille the next morning  The stubbornness of the governor of the fortress  Celebrations on the night of July 14 th  Sparks tremendous popular revolution all over France

G. “The Great Fear”  Independent revolutionary agitation in the countryside  Rumors of Royalist troops becoming wandering vandals  Fear breeds fear and peasants start marching  Within 3 weeks of July 14, the countryside of France had been completely changed  Abolition of the Nobility

Events continued  French created their own Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen modeled after TJ’s Declaration of Independence

Declaration of the Rights of Man— August 27, 1789

H. The Court Returns to Paris  Mounting unemployment and hunger in Paris in the fall of 1789  “October Days” -- “The point is that we want bread!”  Women nearly killed the Queen  The Royal Family returns to Paris on October 6, 1789

I. The Consolidation of the Liberal Revolution  Events from October, 1789 through September, 1791  Abolition of the French nobility as a legal order  Constitutional Monarchy established  Economic centralization  Nationalization of the Church --Stage set for subsequent civil war

J. Popular Political Mobilization  Revolutionary Talk --More than 500 new newspapers --Oath of Loyalty -- “Liberte, Equalite, Fraternite!”  Revolutionary Symbols  Revolutionary Clubs --The Jacobins  Revolutionary Leaders

K. Growing Radicalism  Reasons: --Snowball Effect --Unsatisfied Expectations --Outbreak of War  Results: --Increasing Violence --Change in Political Leadership

L. Robespierre’s Reign of Terror  The Committee of Public Safety  The Concept of “Total War”  Maximum price ceilings on certain goods  Nationalization of Small Workshops

L. The Reign of Terror (cont)  Execution of 40,000 “Enemies of the Nation”  Stress on radical definition of equality  Wanted a legal maximum on personal wealth  Wanted a regulation of commercial profits  End of Robespierre’s dictatorship on July 28, 1794

M. The Directory and Napoleon Bonaparte  The Directory ( )  Napoleon’s Rise to Power  The Napoleonic Code  Establishment of the Bank of France  Reconciliation with the Catholic Church --Concordat of 1801  Heavy Censorship  Napoleon’s “Art of War”