Welcome to CJ 101!! Kaplan University Professor Chad Rosa Unit 1
Kaplan University KU Seminars and Weekly Units KU Seminars and Weekly Units Missed Seminars Missed Seminars Post Introductions Post Introductions Discussion Questions Discussion Questions Goals & Dreams Goals & Dreams Atta Boys & Congratulations Atta Boys & Congratulations
Your Professor – Me Your Professor – Me Minnesota – southern metro area Minnesota – southern metro area Over 18 years of criminal justice experience including: private security, state patrol, municipal patrol officer and school resource officer Over 18 years of criminal justice experience including: private security, state patrol, municipal patrol officer and school resource officer
The Student – You The Student – You Where are you from? Where are you from? What state? What state? Current occupation and or experience - Current occupation and or experience -
Online Learning at KU KU stands for Kaplan University KU stands for Kaplan University Each class is 10 weeks long Each class is 10 weeks long Each week is called a Unit Each week is called a Unit Each unit has several graded items – check the gradebook!! Each unit has several graded items – check the gradebook!! Each unit starts on Wednesday & ends at 1159 pm EST on Tuesday Each unit starts on Wednesday & ends at 1159 pm EST on Tuesday Start your work for each Unit early – DON’T wait until the end of the week to complete your work Start your work for each Unit early – DON’T wait until the end of the week to complete your work
Online Learning at KU Each unit/week starts on Wednesday & ends at 1159 pm EST on Tuesday Each unit/week starts on Wednesday & ends at 1159 pm EST on Tuesday Start your work for each Unit early – DON’T wait until the end of the week to complete your work Start your work for each Unit early – DON’T wait until the end of the week to complete your work
Online Learning at KU Want to be successful in my class? Want to be successful in my class? The following are the secrets… The following are the secrets…
Reading Each unit has a reading link – which tells you which chapter(s) to read Each unit has a reading link – which tells you which chapter(s) to read Electronic book/chapters in docsharing Electronic book/chapters in docsharing Powerpoints – Powerpoints – Read both Read both Start your work for each Unit early – DON’T wait until the end of the week to complete your work Start your work for each Unit early – DON’T wait until the end of the week to complete your work
Discussion Questions Each unit has a discussion board question Each unit has a discussion board question Always answer the question with at least a 100 word response Always answer the question with at least a 100 word response Always “reply” to one other student for each question. Must give good input and thought – not “good post” etc Always “reply” to one other student for each question. Must give good input and thought – not “good post” etc
Quizzes Many units will have a quiz Many units will have a quiz You can always retake a quiz to get a better grade – most recent score is kept You can always retake a quiz to get a better grade – most recent score is kept However, quizzes are only open during the unit, never accepted late However, quizzes are only open during the unit, never accepted late
Seminars EASTERN TIME EASTERN TIME No seminar during units 5 or 10 No seminar during units 5 or 10 Participation & quality input Participation & quality input If you miss a seminar – alternate assignment to DocSharing, NOT Dropbox If you miss a seminar – alternate assignment to DocSharing, NOT Dropbox
Seminars If you miss a seminar – If you miss a seminar – Review the instructions in the seminar link of each unit. Review the instructions in the seminar link of each unit. To receive credit for the seminar if you are unable to attend, you are required to write a 1 page paper summary on what we covered. To receive credit for the seminar if you are unable to attend, you are required to write a 1 page paper summary on what we covered. Review the seminar archive for additional information. Review the seminar archive for additional information. Submit your assignment using the Doc Sharing tab. Submit your assignment using the Doc Sharing tab. Select the option to send to your instructor only. Select the option to send to your instructor only.
More Success Go in to DocSharing and print out my example paper and EXACTLY follow that format Go in to DocSharing and print out my example paper and EXACTLY follow that format MUST write all papers in a Microsoft Word document MUST write all papers in a Microsoft Word document MUST write in Times New Roman size 12 font and double space MUST write in Times New Roman size 12 font and double space Cover/title page, body of text and reference page Cover/title page, body of text and reference page
Gradebook Always check your grade book Always check your grade book Click on each individual grade so you can read my comments Click on each individual grade so you can read my comments You can always redo and resubmit any work for a better grade – BUT only within ONE week You can always redo and resubmit any work for a better grade – BUT only within ONE week For example, you receive a low grade on your Unit 2 paper – you have until the end of Unit 3 to resubmit it if you want to For example, you receive a low grade on your Unit 2 paper – you have until the end of Unit 3 to resubmit it if you want to
Late Work Late work will only be accepted one week late – for up to full credit Late work will only be accepted one week late – for up to full credit After one week – no credit will be given After one week – no credit will be given
Unit 1 What Is Criminal Justice? The first unit introduces you to the workings of the criminal justice system and current perspectives on the treatment of the accused. It also familiarizes you with several major sources of crime statistics in the U.S., the National Crime Victimization Survey and the Uniform Crime Report.
Unit 1 How the criminal justice system establishes social controls in American society The elements necessary for police to arrest a citizen The role of the judge, prosecutor, and defense attorney in the criminal trial The orientations of different crime control ideologies The strengths and weaknesses of statistical crime reports
What do I have to do to complete this unit? Read Chapter 1: What is Criminal Justice? Read Chapter 1: What is Criminal Justice? Contribute to the Discussion Contribute to the Discussion Attend the Seminar Attend the Seminar Complete the Quiz Complete the Quiz Take a Break Take a Break
Unit 1 What is the definition of crime? What is the definition of crime? Everybody take a shot at it! Everybody take a shot at it!
Unit 1 Conduct that violates criminal law for which there is no legally accepted justification or excuse. Conduct that violates criminal law for which there is no legally accepted justification or excuse.
Unit 1 The nature of crime is always evolving. Historical developments shape our legal system and our understanding of crime and justice.
Individual Rights and Public Order Advocates Individual Rights Advocates …seek to protect personal freedoms within the process of criminal justice. Public Order Advocates …suggest that under certain circumstances involving a criminal threat to public safety, the interests of society should take precedence over individual rights.
Unit 1 The Theme of this Book: The Struggle for Balance Individual Rights vs. Public Order
Unit 1 What is Justice? Everybody take a shot at it!! Everybody take a shot at it!!
Unit 1 The principle of fairness, the ideal of moral equity…
Components of Social Justice Within social justice are: Civil Justice deals with fairness in relationships between citizens, government agencies, and business in private matters. Criminal Justice Criminal Justice concern for violations of the criminal law.
Unit 1 Criminal Justice The aspects of social justice that concern violations of the criminal law Includes the: Criminal (penal) law Law of criminal procedure Procedures and activities dealing with criminal law enforcement
Unit 1 American Criminal Justice: The System Three Core Components: 1. ? 2. ? 3. ?
Unit 1 …the components… Law Enforcement Courts Corrections
Types of Police Responses Reactive* The police respond to a request for assistance either as a result of a phone call from a citizen, or are flagged down while on patrol. * Accounts for most Proactive The police, usually during routine patrol, observe a suspicious situation or a crime in progress.
Unit 1 What level of proof is needed for an arrest? Again, everybody take a shot at it!!!
Unit 1 Arrests are based on probable cause. Probable cause forms the basis for warrants.
Unit 1 What is Probable Cause?
Unit 1 It is a set of facts and circumstances that would induce a reasonably intelligent and prudent person to believe that a particular other person has committed a specific crime.
Unit 1 What is a warrant?
Unit 1 It is a writ issued by a judicial officer directing a law enforcement officer to perform a specified act and affording him/her protection from damage if he/she performs it.
Unit 1 What is an arrest?
Unit 1 It is the taking of a person into physical custody by authority of law, for the purpose of charging the person with a criminal offense… Or a delinquent act or status offense terminating with the recording of a specific offense.
First Appearance Within hours of the arrest Suspect informed of charges and advised of his/her rights An attorney is appointed if the accused is indigent An opportunity for bail may be provided
Adjudication: Jury Trial The 6th Amendment guarantees criminal defendants the right to a trial by jury Doesn’t include those charged with petty offenses Some states allow defendants to waive jury trial and opt for a bench trial
Interpreting the Constitution: The Role of the Courts The U.S. Supreme Court The U.S. Supreme Court Interprets the Constitution as it applies to the cases before them Interprets the Constitution as it applies to the cases before them Precedent setting decisions become “the law of the land” Precedent setting decisions become “the law of the land”
Sentencing Judges traditionally have considerable discretion. Sentencing decisions influenced by: Sentencing hearing Victim impact statement PSI report
Sentencing Sentences on multiple charges can be served: consecutively–one after another concurrently–served at the same time
Corrections Once sentenced, the “corrections” phase begins.
The Ultimate Goal of the American Criminal Justice System Crime control through due process Crime control through due process
The Role of Criminal Justice Research …increasing professionalism of criminal justice …increasing professionalism of criminal justice
Multiculturalism and Diversity in Criminal Justice …American society is multicultural. …American society is multicultural. …Diverse values, perspectives, and behaviors influence the justice system …Diverse values, perspectives, and behaviors influence the justice system
Unit 1 Where do we find information, data or statistics on crime? Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) Offender self-reports Other regular publications
Unit 1 Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) The reports began in Data are collected by F.B.I. Approximately 16,000 police agencies provide data. Only crimes known to the police are included. Law enforcement agencies submit reports voluntarily. The UCR contains the Crime Index = compilations of statistics for various crimes.
What do I have to do to complete this unit? Read Chapter 1: What is Criminal Justice? Contribute to the Discussion Attend the Seminar Complete the Quiz Take A Break Complete everything by Tuesday at 1159pm EST
Good Night That is all I have for tonight!! Have a great upcoming week!!