W ARM -U P 1-18 What country are you most interested in studying and why?
F IVE T HEMES OF G EOGRAPHY Location Where is it Place What is it like Region How are places similar or different Movement How do people, goods, and ideas move from one location to another Human-Environmental Interaction How do people relate to the physical world
L OCATION Where is it Absolute and Relative
P LACE What is it like? Physical and cultural characteristics that set them apart such as: Climate Landforms Vegetation
P LACE All locations have characteristics that are they product of human interaction such as: Dams Highways Houses
P LACE Some locations are the result of human interaction with the environment or each other War Wildlife Parks, National parks Cities, Towns
R EGION The types of regions: Formal Functional Perceptual
F ORMAL R EGION A region defined by a limited number of characteristics Could be characterized by a specific climate, vegetation, land use patterns, etc. Some examples: US & Canada Latin or Central America North America Asia Germany
F UNCTIONAL R EGIONS Organized around a set of interactions and connections between places Usually links to a central place For example, a city and its suburbs is a functional region connected by roads, trains, buses, jobs, activities
P ERCEPTUAL R EGIONS Region in which people see characteristics of the region in the same way For example: The mid-west The South
T HINK A BOUT I T What region are you from? (Formal, Functional, Perceptual) What region do we live in? Would you consider it different than the one you are from?
M OVEMENT How do people, goods, and ideas move from one location to another? Three types of distance: Linear, Time, Psychological
L INEAR D ISTANCE How far across the earth a person, idea of product travels Effected by physical geography – Mountains, Water, etc. Effected by region – boundaries, political systems, etc.
T IME D ISTANCE Amount of time it takes a person, idea, or product to travel Time distance has changed significantly Shortened by trains, planes, ships, motor vehicles, even horse and carriage For example, walking west took a year, a wagon train took 6 months, a place takes 5-6 hours
P SYCHOLOGICAL D ISTANCE The way people view distance Familiar places seem closer Technology effects how we see distance
T HINK A BOUT I T Where is your shirt from (ask a friend to look if needed but keep your shirt on) What kind of movement was needed to get your shirt here? Place, train, bus, boat? How far away does it seem? Can you guess in miles? Time?
H UMAN -E NVIRONMENT I NTERACTION How people relate to the physical world People have learned to use what the environment offers them and change the environment to meet their needs Examples include everything from stones to make weapons to clothing to shelter to The Golden Gate Bridge People who live in similar environments do not always respond in the same way For some the beach is a reason to develop a tourist spot, for others it is a chance to fish Humans alter the environment to suit their needs
F LIP B OOK Create a book with the five themes of geography See example
R UBRIC Rubric (neatness and creativity count) 1. The five themes listed but no definitions or correct examples given 2. The five themes listed and definitions given but no correct examples given 3. The five themes listed, definitions given, and at least 1-3 correct examples given. Examples show no research or investigation. Work is sloppy. 4. The five themes listed, definitions given, and at least 4-5 correct examples given. Examples show some research or investigation. Work is sloppy. 5. The five themes listed, definitions given, and 5 correct examples given. Examples show evidence of research or investigation. Work neat and complete. 6. The five themes listed, definitions given, and 5 correct examples given. Examples show evidence of research or investigation and are creative. Work neat and complete and visually appealing