Presented by Kelly Ballinger & Andrea Hansen Co-Coordinators
TeamMates Founded by Tom and Nancy Osborne in 1991 in effort to provide support and encouragement to school aged youth Mission – To impact the world by inspiring youth to reach their full potential Goal – To see youth graduate from high school and pursue post-secondary education School-based mentoring program – mentoring takes place in the school building during school hours
Impact of TeamMates 80% decrease in the number of unexcused absences 70% have less disciplinary referrals 40% improve their academic achievement Quality of the relationship between the mentor and the student appears to have strong impact on student outcomes and a more positive self-rating by students *Statistics and information provided by TeamMates
Mode of Operation Teammates is a school-based program Majority of programs have school staff operating as coordinators Teammates operates independently from the school system Teammates Bi-Laws Local Board of Directors Funding Sources Teammates provides liability insurance for the local board of directors, coordinators, and mentors Training for board, coordinators, mentors is provided
Cost to District Moral support – not financial support Districts can support the organization financially or in kind but that is not required/necessary. Provide general administration supplies and time as we recruit mentors and mentees into our program Approve Kelly Ballinger and Andrea Hansen to spend time as necessary to implement TeamMates into the Pender School system
Current Status Actively working on Request For Progam (RFP) Need at least 6 letters of support Recruiting Board of Directors Recommended the board include someone representative of the school, city government or business community, banking, legal field, and marketing/media area Timeline Budget Public Relations Fundraising Recruiting Mentors/Mentees
Funding Sources Grant submitted to Thriftique Request to Booster Club Casual for Cause – Pender State Bank Team Carol for TeamMates Fun run/walk Half of funds going to support the TeamMates program and half going to Team Carol for scholarship that is in the process $1,000 donation already Volunteers already willing to help April 26 th tentative date Many ideas such as: Runza Day, Tips Night, Movie Night, Supper & Bake Sale at Thriftique
Key Tasks To Complete: Funds for background checks on Mentors/Coordinators Board of Directors Timeline Budget Recruiting Mentors/Mentees
Kickoff Party Tom Osborne available August 18 th or 19 th Will speak to students K-12 students, faculty & staff, and parents and potential mentors Looking to coordinate this with our “Back to School” Open House Tailgate party with the Boosters