Provide organizational structure, support and coordination for capacity building for core service personnel. Professional Development Organization
Objectives: Statewide support system Collaborate with NDE and other agencies Provide professional development Coordinate efforts regionally, across state Aid in assessment of core services Plan for allocation of resources
Professional Development Organization I-MAT NOCESPDSDA TAG Instructional Materials Network Operations Committee ESU Special Populations Directors Staff Development Affiliate Technology Affiliate Group AA Administrators Affiliate NDE liaison
Coordinating Council Co-Chairs Affiliate Chairs Affiliate Recorders Administrative Liaison Past Co-Chairs ESPD SDA TAG NOC I-MAT NDE/other liaisons I-MAT NOC ESPD SDA TAG Governance
Coordinating Council
NEEDS ASSESSMENTS TRENDS: National State Regional District
LEVERAGED FUNDING 1% of Core Service Funding $80, State School Improvement State Special Education $45,000.00
IMPACT Trained 35 NDE staff 1270 ESU staff 511 school guests ESU 8,706.5 total contact hours SCHOOL 5,166 total contact hours
STATEWIDE Capacity Consistency Efficiency Pilot Projects
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Helen Keller
The rest of these are to hold spare images we might need instead. Coming together, sharing together, working together, succeeding together. A successful team beats with one heart. Teamwork divides the task and doubles the success