IMPORTANT PEOPLE TO KNOW (HBC/RED RIVER COLONY) Lord Selkirk: HBC director; wealthy Scottish; created colonies for displaced Scottish tenant farmers Miles Macdonell: British ex-military officer; led a group of Scottish and Irish settlers to prepare for the arrival of new colonists Robert Semple: Governor of Red River colony
METIS/NWC Cuthbert Grant: Leader of the Metis; employee of NWC Duncan Cameron: Chief Trader of NWC Cuthbert Grant
THE COLONY ON THE RED RIVER (1812) Lord Selkirk (Thomas Douglas) an HBC director – Wanted to provide a colony for poor Scottish tenant farmers in the Red River Valley Fertile soil Farms could feed HBC employees in the Northwest – The HBC gives him 300,000 km2 of land in Southern Manitoba, called “Selkirk’s Grant”
Miles Macdonell– appointed to bring in settlers to the area – Early and harsh winters, difficulty clearing land, failed crops settlers faced starvation -Macdonnell issues Pemmican Proclamation- bans sale and export of pemmican (major source of income of the Metis who sold it to the NWC -ordered NWC employees to leave the Red River Valley within 6 months TROUBLE!!!!!
METIS/NWC RETALIATION (1814) Led by NWC Chief Trader Duncan Cameron – Harass the colonists: Burnt buildings destroyed crops fired rifles – Took colonists to Fort William – arrested Macdonell
RETURN OF THE COLONISTS Colin Robertson: HBC employee; ex-NWC employee – made peace with the NWC and Metis – Brought the colonists back to the Red River – Warned the new governor Robert Semple to watch out for NWC
CONFLICT AT RED RIVER(1816) Semple orders the attack and burning of NWC Fort Gibraltar Cuthbert Grant (Metis leader) attacked HBC boats, stole pemmican and took over Red River Colony in the Battle of Seven Oaks
HBC/colonists: send 28 men to confront the Metis Metis/NWC: split into 2 groups and surrounded Semple’s settlement Metis won within 15 minutes: – Semple and 20 colonists dead – 1 Metis dead colonists retreat
3 rd ATTEMPT TO CREATE RED RIVER COLONY: 1817 Selkirk returns to Red River Valley under protection of Swiss soldiers – Seize Fort William and took military control over the area Make a treaty with Ojibwas and Crees gain official ownership of Red River Valley – Payment: 100 pounds of tobacco/year